The Bachelor of Business (Honours) provides an opportunity for advanced study in marketing. The course provides an ideal foundation for students who plan to pursue a career in applied research in business and related professions, or who plan to undertake master's or doctoral research studies.
Our honours students have explored wide ranging topics. Some of the interesting topics include body image, m-commerce adoption and consumer attitudes to use of traditional media.
In 2015 Honours student Chris Contos was awarded the University Medal. His Honours thesis was titled "Why Consumers Use Their Smartphone to Search but Not Buy: A Technology Acceptance Model – Based Account of M-Commerce Adoption". Read more about Chris's experience.
The honours program provides opportunities to work with the best & brightest minds in the University and across the world. Our honours students are contributing to leading corporates such as Unilever and Microsoft.
The Marketing Department invites undergraduates with superior academic records (overall WAM of 65 and 70 or above in the Marketing major or Advertising and Marketing Communications major) to enroll in our prestigious 1 year honours program. A scholarship may be awarded to help support an honours student.
For further details, interested students can contact the Marketing Department Research Student Coordinator, Dr Graham Massey, or see the Bachelor of Business (Honours) course details.

Honours student Brenda Alvarez receives her Honours scholarship certificate from Associate Professor François Carrillat