Undergraduate student profiles
- Bachelor of NursingI chose to study at UTS because it is recognised as a leading university in nursing
- Bachelor of NursingChoosing to study this course was the best decision I made.
- Bachelor of NursingSeeing patients smile and saying ‘thank you’ is the most rewarding aspect of nursing.
- Bachelor of NursingNursing is an ongoing learning profession; there is always something new to learn.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyI’m passionate about people knowing what is best for them.
- Bachelor of NursingIf I had my time again to pick another career and degree, I would still end up with nursing.
- Bachelor of NursingYou don’t realise your knowledge and clinical skills until you're in a situation of responsibility.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyStudying midwifery has absolutely changed me.
- Bachelor of NursingMy passion lies with being an advocate for individuals in need.
- Bachelor of NursingI believe nursing is a field that allows you to make a positive impact in someone’s life every day.