Undergraduate student profiles
- Bachelor of NursingStudying this degree has increased my sense of empathy and understanding of nonverbal communication.
- Bachelor of NursingI’m very passionate about culturally appropriate care for culturally diverse patients.
- Bachelor of NursingNursing is a perfect degree where my two interests are closely linked.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyMidwifery is one of the most empowering, eye-opening and challenging degrees you will ever study.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyI loved the hands-on nature of the degree, both in the practice labs & the clinical environment.
- Bachelor of NursingI can really help patients and their families in need by putting a smile to their faces.
- Bachelor of NursingThe opportunity to study & work alongside practising nurses with real patients is a great advantage.
- Bachelor of NursingIt fills my heart to know that with what I have learned, I will be able to make people feel better.
- Bachelor of NursingStudying this degree has made me more aware and more compassionate towards other people.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyClinical placement requires us to follow women throughout the pregnancy, birth & postnatal period.