Director's message

Welcome to the WHO Collaborating Centre webpages. Every year is busier and more productive than the last at the UTS World Health Organization Collaborating Centre (WHO CC UTS) for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Development. New relationships are forged and established relationships strengthened as we work with supporting nurses and midwives throughout the region.
Our four-year term from 2022-2026 in which we are elected to undertake the role of Global Secretariat for Nursing and Midwifery WHO Collaborating Centres - coordinating the network of 44 institutions has begun and we are pleased to have accepted this role from John Hopkins University, in Maryland, USA.
These webpages are structured to be in line with our Terms of Reference: facilitating networking, collaboration and communication among Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers in South Pacific as well as for the Global Network of WHO CC for Nursing and Midwifery Development, capacity building to strengthen health systems and human resources for health to respond to priority health challenges, contributing to strengthening health workforce regulation and education toward improving quality of services and strengthening the capacity of the maternal health workforce through improved midwifery education and practice to improve maternal and child health services. These Terms of Reference are developed in collaboration with the World Health Organization.
We will post news stories of happenings at the Centre as they become available and keep you updated throughout the year through our regional updates.
To get on the mailing list of our regional updates, please contact us on
Prof. Michele Rumsey AM