PhD and Postgraduate research students are essential members of UTS Business School and the Management Discipline Group.

UTS Business School's PhD program is aimed at providing the brightest minds with a set of skills to equip them for both high-level industry and academic positions.
Students A–C
Tasneem Mohammed A Ageeli
Thesis title: Leadership Behavior and Its Effects on Subordinates’ Productivity and Performance
Supervisors: Kyoung-Hee Yu, Marco Berti
Hani redha a Alanazi
Thesis title: The Role of Cultural Diversity in Enhancing the Indicators of Organizational Performance in Multinational Companies
Supervisors: Simone Faulkner, Marco Berti
Mohammad Alaslani
Thesis title: Women and Business in Saudi Arabia
Supervisors: Jock Collins, Bronwen Dalton, Antoine Hermens
Scott Andrews
Thesis title: SFraming and Valuing Cultural Heritage at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Supervisors: Stephen Schweinsberg, Linda Leung
Rachel Atkins
Thesis title: How to support veterans to be successful in entrepreneurship: a comparative study between Australia, US and the UK
Supervisors: Jochen Schweitzer, Natalia Nikolova
Luciana Battista-Favero
Thesis title: Workplace Restorative Justice
Supervisors: Alice Klettner, Kyoung-Hee Yu
Rhonda Bell
Thesis title: Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility within the Australian Construction Industry
Supervisors: Alice Klettner, Simon Darcy
Natasha Bobyreff
Thesis title: Modelling the Impact of Social Entrepreneurship to Enhance Business Practice and Social Outcomes
Supervisors: Jenny Onyx, Natalia Nikolova, Jenny Green
Rachel Bertram
Thesis title: Beyond the Neoliberal Paradigm: How Indiginous and Spiritual Ecological Value Systems Help Measure What Matters
Supervisors: Bronwen Dalton, Peter Fleming, Carl Rhodes, Dean Jarrett
David Bickett
Thesis title: The Role of Curiosity as a Practice in Executive Decision-making
Supervisors: Jochen Schweitzer, Stewart Clegg, Paul Brown, Marco Berti
Peter Bryant
Thesis title: Choosing Zines – Defining the constructs that influence the decision to participate in the practice of zine making
Supervisors: Chris Burton, Bronwen Dalton, Judy Johnston, Suzanne Benn
Zulay Patricia Buchs
Thesis title: Can Rising Healthcare Provider's Awareness and Attitudes Contribute to Improve Law Enforcement Efficiency Towards Breaking Cycles of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking?
Supervisors: Martijn Boersma, Peter Fleming
Robert Carroll
Thesis title: Who’s in Control? Mobile Technology, Work and Life in Australia
Supervisors: David Bedford, Sarah Kaine, Emmanuel Josserand
Corey Cutrupi
Thesis title: Fan Engagement and Women’s Football in Australia
Supervisors: Nico Schulenkorf, Stephen Frawley, Katie Schlenker
Students D–L
Rowena Ditzell
Thesis title: Four Day Week: Examination of Impact on Key Business + Employee Outcomes
Supervisors: Bronwen Dalton, Anna Stephens, Robyn Johns
Christopher Francis
Thesis title: Contested Governance in an Aboriginal Corporation: An Auto-ethnographic Case Study of Conflicting Institutional Logics
Supervisors: Thomas Clarke, Alice Klettner
Nina Frankowski
Thesis title: The future of social foresight: merging strategic foresight and social impact
Supervisors: Danielle Logue, Christopher Riedy
Jake Gordon
Thesis title: Aboriginal Cultural Safety Within the NSW Public Sector: Trauma Informed Approaches to Effectively Manage and Support the Needs of Aboriginal Employees
Supervisors: John Collins, Larissa Behrendt, Nareen Young
Anwara Happy
Thesis title: Blockchain for Supply Chain Traceability and Sustainability: The Case of the Australian Beef Industry
Supervisors: Md Maruf Hossan Chowdhury, Moira Scerri
Aglae Hernandez Grande
Thesis title: Team Consequences of Employee Wellbeing
Supervisors: Simon Darcy, Mihajla Gavin
Megan Hibbins
Thesis title: Events, Risk and Trust
Supervisors: Carmel Foley, Deborah Edwards
Mitchell Howard
Thesis title: Strategic Modelling of Relationship Networks in Humanitarian Funding Supply Chains
Supervisors: Md Maruf Hossan Chowdhury, Melissa Edwards, Moira Scerri
Jonathan Joseph
Thesis title: Interactions and Travel Companionship: Constructing the "Lived" Hiking Experience in a Natural Setting
Supervisors: Simone Faulkner, Najmeh Hassanli, Stephen Wearing
Melanie Lewis
Thesis title: Establishment of Climate KIC Australia: Assessing Impact Through the Co-Evolution of Innovation, Strategy and Social Networks
Supervisors: Jochen Schweitzer, Brent Jacobs, Rebecca Cunningham
Shiyou Liu
Thesis title: The Role of Human Factors in Logistics Outsourcing Relationship Management: A Meso-Level Perspective
Supervisors: Sanjoy Paul, Md Maruf Hossan Chowdhury, Moira Scerri
Gilbert Lorquet
Thesis title: Measuring the Social Impact of Community Football in Australia
Supervisors: Adam Cohen, Bronwen Dalton, Nico Schulenkorf
Francesca Lowry
Thesis title: Stakeholders in Regulatory Agreements, Whose Voice is Heard?
Supervisors: Thomas Clarke, Alice Klettner
Students M–R
Cheryl Malone
Thesis title: Business events: the new normal. The power of storytelling
Supervisors: Carmel Foley, Deborah Edwards, Anja Hergesell
Margaret Malone
Thesis title: Re-imagining the Research Article: Participation, Dialogue and the Radical Potential of an 'Ecology of Knowledge’
Supervisors: Jennifer Onyx, Paul Ashton, Simon Darcy
Cameron Mceachern
Thesis title: Integrated Logistics Models: Implications of Design on Responsiveness
Supervisors: Renu Agarwal, Sanjoy Paul, Gnanabarathy Bharathy
Hina Mehreen
Thesis title: Successful Repatriate Knowledge Transfer: A perspective of MNC’s in Australia and New Zealand
Supervisors: Najmeh Hassanli, Pavlina Jasovska, Nico Schulenkorf
Nutcha Netpradit
Thesis title: Open Innovation Management at Innovation Districts in Developing Countries
Supervisors: Danielle Logue, Krithika Randhawa
Louise O'Flynn
Thesis title: Exploring the Challenge of Financial Sustainability of the Publicly Managed Terrestrial Protected Area Estate in New South Wales, Australia
Supervisors: Stephen Schweinsberg, Stephen Wearing
Eric Patterson
Thesis title: Improving innovative capability development in the Australia Public Service through innovation process management and innovative service design. Navigating politics, managerial reforms and an increasingly networked public sector
Supervisors: Renu Agarwal, Christopher Bajada, Roy Green
Towfique Rahman
Thesis title: CManaging Large-scale Disruptions in Supply Chain Networks
Supervisors: Sanjoy Paul, Nagesh Shukla, Renu Agarwal
Ian Randall
Thesis title: The innovation paradox and the challenge of orthodoxy to Lead User and Actor-Network Theories
Supervisors: Marco Berti, Natalia Nikolova, Berto Pandolfo
Iftekhar ahmed Robin
Thesis title: Plastic waste recycling: additive manufacturing technology enabled circular economy in the Australian context
Supervisors: Md Maruf Hossan Chowdhury, Tim Schork, Moira Scerri
Lloyd Brian Rothwell
Thesis title: Leadership Development and Succession Planning within the Sports Management Field
Supervisors: Simon Darcy, Tracy Taylor
Students S–Z
Alan Skinner
Thesis title: The Lived Experience of Managers Facilitating Organisational Improvement Projects
Supervisors: Renu Agarwal, Carl Rhodes, Moira Scerri
Leanne Sobel
Thesis title: Human-Centred Design and Service Value Networks
Supervisors: Jochen Schweitzer, Lindsay Asquith, Moira Scerri
Mathilda South
Thesis title: Enterprising Interns: Interns’ Lived Experiences of Their Employability Development in an Age of Neoliberalism
Supervisors: Mihajla Gavin, Carmel Foley, Martijn Boersma
Ephraim Spehrer-Patrick
Thesis title: Capability Ecosystems: Current Practices, Opportunities and Challenges in Organisations
Supervisors: Natalia Nikolova, Benjamin Farr-Wharton, Stewart Clegg
Virginia Springer
Thesis title: Platform business in the industrial internet of things – Development of a conceptional framework on business models for industrial ecosystems
Supervisors: Krithika Randhawa, Asif Gill
Paul Templeman
Thesis title: Industry Digital Transformation and the Role of Industry Platforms and Public Entrepreneurship: The Digital Transformation of Australian Sport
Supervisors: Daryl Adair, Asif Gill, Linda Leung
Duncan Tweed
Thesis title: Leveraging international sporting events by domestic leagues: The opportunities of hosting the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 for the W-League.
Supervisors: Nico Schulenkorf, Adam Cohen, Katie Schlenker
Nusrat Jusy Umme
Thesis title: Resistance to Health Information Systems in Developing Country Context: Antecedents, Outcomes And Causal Conditions
Supervisors: Moira Scerri, Bruce Perrott
Kevin Wallace
Thesis title: Time, Timing and Timeliness – the Art of Event, Project and Stakeholder Management in the Festival and Events Sector
Supervisors: Carmel Foley, Deborah Edwards
Tracey Walmsley
Thesis title: Travelling Without An Anchor: Risks in Self-Initiated Expatriation
Supervisors: Simone Faulkner, Marco Berti
Lewis Whales
Thesis title: "We Are a Team of Leaders": Relational Leadership in Professional Sport
Supervisors: Stephen Frawley, Natalia Nikolova, Adam Cohen
Mingliang Wu
Thesis title: Can the adoption of Humanoid Robotics promote quality of life for users by addressing the fundamental issues for aged care industry?
Supervisors: Md Maruf Hossan Chowdhury, Moira Scerri
Mengyuan Zhu
Thesis title: International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: An Institutional Perspective
Supervisors: Wen Li, Yaowen Shan, Krithika Randhawa