Contact: madeline.h.combe@student.uts.edu.au
Entered PhD Program: August 2022
Principal Supervisor: Kathy Walsh
Co-supervisor: Deborah Cotton
Research topics:
- Biodiversity Linked Bonds
- Environmental Finance
- Conservation Finance
- Biodiversity Measurement & Risk Assessment Approaches for Financial Institutions
- The Taskforce for Nature Related Financial Disclosures
- Nature-related Investment Opportunities
Academic Background and Work Experience:
Graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology from the University of Technology Sydney and a Masters of Sustainability from Sydney University, I have worked in a range of sustainability related fields. Internationally, these include marine conservation in the Maldives and Thailand to community development and wildlife rehabilitation in Costa Rica, South Africa and Bolivia. Closer to home, I have undertaken roles in sustainable design and innovation, business development, corporate sustainability, ESG and social impact. Today, I mentor student volunteers with a sustainable finance library, and work closely with responsible investors and industry practitioners on one of Australia’s largest Nature-finance working groups with the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia.
Combe, M. et al, 2024, "Risky Business 2.0: How Australian financial institutions are managing nature-related risks
and opportunities", 2024 Progress Report, Australian Conservation Foundation.
Combe, M. et al, 2024, "Nature Investor Toolkit: Understanding nature-related risks and opportunities and supporting investors to assess, engage and take action", Responsible Investment Association Australasia.
Combe, M., Brown, A. and Wheatley, M., 2024, "State of Nature Related Disclosures: Assessing TNFD Alignment of Nature-Related Disclosures by Firms in High-Risk Sectors", Report, First Sentier MUFG Sustainable Investment Institute.

Can investors contribute to the sustainable management of biodiversity?