Latest publications from the Law | Health | Justice research team.
Reparations for Harms Experienced in Residential Aged Care
Linda Steele & Kate Swaffer, 'Reparations for Harms Experienced in Residential Aged Care' (2022) Health and Human Rights Journal.
Regulatory nature of the 'prescribing encounter' in the primary care setting
David Carter, '‘She Wanted to Listen to her General Practitioner’s Advice…’: Exploring and Explaining Antibiotic Prescribing as a Regulatory Encounter' (2022) 30(2) Medical Law Review 299-323.
Critical perspectives on sites of conscience
Justine Lloyd & Linda Steele, 'Place, Memory, and Justice: Critical Perspectives on Sites of Conscience' (2022) 25(2) Space and Culture 144-160.
Voluntary assisted dying
A new collection, edited by David Carter and Daniel Fleming, brings together critical perspectives on voluntary assisted dying.
ANU Press:
How law impacts healthcare decisions
Health Expectations, Views of healthcare consumer representatives on defensive practice: ‘We are your biggest advocate and supporter… not the enemy’.