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Law | Health | Justice

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Convenors' Welcome 

Welcome to Law Health Justice.  We are a dedicated research group in the Faculty of Law, committed to advancing interdisciplinary research and policy at the intersections of law, health, and justice. Our work contributes to legal and policy frameworks that promote health equity, protect human rights, and ensure justice in healthcare settings. 

We bring together scholars, practitioners, and community advocates across a variety of projects, to develop transformative legal research for our communities. Our work spans a wide array of topics, including bioethics, mental health law, reproductive rights, disability and elder law, and the ethical and legal dimensions of emerging health technologies. Through collaborative research, public engagement, and partnerships across disciplines, we aim to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and communities – especially our most vulnerable.

We invite you to explore our research themes, publications, and upcoming events.  Please reach out to us for further information and opportunities to collaborate.  


Aileen Kennedy:

Linda Steele: