Bowraville, nestled in the curves of the Nambucca River is a five and a half hour drive north from Sydney might be only 20 kilometers from the coast and just over 10 from the main highway but it feels like another world. Between late 1990 and early 1991, three Aboriginal children from the Bowraville mission, Colleen Craig also known as Colleen Walker, Evelyn Greenup and, Clinton Speedy-Duroux were murdered. Look at our community we only got a little town here, someone had answers, you know someone has murdered our children. We started writing letters then to anyone that would listen. Wouldn’t it be different if we were white, the can’t help but ask, would we have a different situation today. One child disappearing is an unthinkable tragedy, the trauma of losing three children is incomprehensible and the impact on a small tight-knit town is devastating. This is the story of three families and their long fight for justice.
Researchers: Larissa Behrendt, Craig Longman and Jason de Santolo
Project description: In late 1990 and early 1991, three Aboriginal children – Colleen Craig, Evelyn Greenup and Clinton Speedy-Duroux – were murdered on the Bowraville Mission. There was only ever one suspect, a white man who was brought to trial for the murder of two of the children. This is story of the failure of the criminal justice system and impact of this injustice on the victim’s families and their community. Even when the murderer escaped conviction, they did not stop. They lobbied to get the laws changed so that they could bring the case again only to then be denied their day in court. Jumbunna has been working with the families to try and finally get justice for Colleen, Evelyn and Clinton and their families.
Our work has sought to get justice for three Aboriginal children murdered in the Bowraville community twenty-five years ago. Advocacy has included:
- legal advice to police, politicians and policy makers
- advice and support for the families
- a documentary film, Innocence Betrayed, that screened on 10 August 2014 on NITV
- a substantial submission to the parliamentary inquiry
- work on developing education packages for the profession about Aboriginal witnesses and evidence
Related Links
Jumbunna research has been involved with the Bowraville Community for the fight for justice for their three murdered children since 2009.
Hope in the System - Bowraville - Jumbunna Research
Still Fighting for Justice - Jumbunna Research
Double Jeopardy and the Bowraville Decision: Where to now? - Jumbanna Research