Researchers: Jason de Santolo, Padraic Gibson, Craig Longman, Larissa Behrendt
This project has provided assistance to traditional owners of the Muckaty Aboriginal Land Trust during their seven-year struggle to prevent the building of a nuclear waste dump on traditional lands, including:
- Community support for political advocacy;
- Production of Protecting Manguwanku, a documentary film which aired on the national broadcaster NITV;
Directer Jason De Santolo
Producer Larissa Behrendt, Craig Longman.
Protecting Manuwangku documents the struggle against ongoing attempts to build a nuclear waste dump on Aboriginal Land in Muckaty in the Northern Territory. Filmed through the lead up to a major rally in Tenant Creek, the film highlights the determination of Warlmanpa and Marumungu people to defend their land and culture and to keep Manuwangku nuclear free.
Screened 27 August 2014 on NITV
Protecting Manuwangku documentary teaser HD

Documentary collaboration: Traditional Owners + Beyond Nuclear Initiative + NITV
Screening NITV August 2014
Since 2007, a site on the Muckaty Land Trust has been under assessment for a national radioactive waste dump.
The site was nominated by the Northern Land Council despite strong and sustained opposition from many Traditional Ownerships
The campaign to protect Manuwangku (Muckaty) has united the local community and drawn support from across the country.
This is my country. My name is Dianne Stokes. There's two languages I can speak. What I said was, six years we've been talking about the waste, we didn't want the waste to come to that land and now from tomorrow it’ll be six years, from tomorrow we're gonna say that we still don't want the waste to come, even though it began six years ago but we want to stop it.
- Public speaking events around the country; and
- Support to pro bono solicitors for the conduct of successful litigation in the Federal Court of Australia.
The result of the advocacy was the removal of the nomination of the Muckaty Aboriginal Land Trust as a site for the proposed Nuclear Waste Dump.
Find out more about the Muckaty Project:
- View Senior Researcher Padric Gibson's blog of the Muckaty case.
- Read media coverage of the court victory in The Guardian, New Matilda and SMH.
- Read an overview by Padriac Gibson on the court victory and continuing the continuing threat of nuclear waste facing Aboriginal communities.
Jumbunna research has been involved with the Bowraville Community for the fight for justice for their three murdered children since 2009.
Hope in the System - Bowraville - Jumbunna Research
Still Fighting for Justice - Jumbunna Research
Double Jeopardy and the Bowraville Decision: Where to now? - Jumbanna Research