The project leader would like to acknowledge the contributions to the project of all the following people.
Project team members
Dr Lina Pelliccione, Curtin University of Technology.
Garry Allan, RMIT University.
Dr Diana Quinn, University of South Australia.
Caroline Cottman, Queensland University of Technology.
Project officer: Dr Nicola Parker, Institute for Interactive Media and Learning, University of Technology Sydney.
Earlier team members and contributors to the project application
Associate Professor Ian Reid, University of South Australia
Associate Professor Sandra Jones and Judy Lyons, RMIT University
Professor Bruce Shortland-Jones, Curtin University of Technology
Alison Brown, Queensland University of Technology.
Institutional team members and contributors
Theresa Anderson, Aileen Wyllie. Michael Carey. Jenny Haines. Peter Docherty, Gordon Menzies, Harry Tse, Jessie Lymn. Natasha Kazich, Bonita Anderson, Pam Rowntree. Debbie Starkey, Natalie Cuffe, Peter Black. Mandy Lupton, Kathryn Dixon. Lou Siragusa. Alma Dender. Jillian Swaine, Christine Howitt. Bill Atweh, Prue Welsh, Sue Gilbert-Hunt, Angela Berndt, Hugh Stewart, Yousef Amer. Romeo Marian, Andrea Chester, Navine Haworth, Suzie Zezula, Jo Waite, Aperhan Babacan, Mahesh Joshi and others
Particular thanks are given to Theresa Anderson and Aileen Wyllie for their extended contributions to disciplinary and cross-disciplinary review at UTS and their contributions to peer review video resources. Particular thanks also go to Andrea Chester who led the extension and embedding of peer review in Health Sciences and more widely at RMIT.
Australian Technology Network Teaching and Learning Committee members
Professor Margaret Hicks, University of South Australia
Amgad Louka and Associate Professor Sandra Jones, RMIT University
Professor Beverley Oliver, Curtin University of Technology
Deborah Southwell, Queensland University of Technology
Others who provided valuable insights
The project leader appreciates the conversations on peer review, interest in the project and feedback on aspects of the project at different stages from:
Professor Shirley Alexander, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Teaching, Learning and Equity, University of Technology Sydney
Dr Maureen Bell, Consultant, previously from the University of Wollongong
Shirley Bennett, University of Hull
Deputy Vice-Chancellors (Academic) of the Australian Technology Network Universities who allowed us to discuss the project at one of their meetings.