Social justice and inclusion are UTS core values. We recognise the benefits of a diverse staff to our work and our culture.
People with disabilities
Here at UTS we understand the unique and valuable contribution people with disability bring to our work and our community. UTS encourages people with disability to apply for positions with us.
If you have trouble in accessing our online recruitment tools or have any specific access requirements, please contact the Equity and Diversity Unit: phone (02) 9514 1084 or email for support.
Workplace adjustments
UTS is committed to fostering and supporting a diverse workforce and to integrating equal opportunity for people with disability into university policies, procedures, decisions and operations.
Workplace adjustments will assist staff with a disability to work comfortably and productively.
For more information or support, contact the Equity and Diversity Unit by phone (02) 9514 1084 or email
Job access
JobAccess is the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and service providers.
For more support, go to JobAccess or phone 1800 464 800.