In an emergency, dial 6 from any internal phone, or 1800 249 559 from mobile phones, for Security.
Add the freecall number 1800 249 559 to your mobile phone contacts list so it is there if you ever need it.
Emergency contacts
Ambulance | 0,000 (from internal phones) 000 (from mobile phones) |
Accident and incident reporting | Email safetyandwellbeing@uts.edu.au |
Assault | UTS: Security dial 6& from internal phones or free call 1800 249 559 |
Visit First aid to find defibrillators on campus.
Oxy Vivas
Oxy Viva resuscitators are located with Security in Buildings CB01; CB05; CB10; Moore Park and Botany.
Security staff have advanced first aid training.
Reporting an incident of sexual harm
Visit Our commitment to a campus free of sexual harm
Visit Emergency evacuations
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)
The most important component to emergency evacuation is – to get everyone out safely.
We know that with the increases in access to buildings the likelihood of having an individual with a disability in the building during an emergency evacuation is also increased.
If people with a disability can get into a building then, given appropriate planning, they will be able to get out again in an emergency.
What is a PEEP?
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) are customised documents that provide the framework for the planning and provision of emergency evacuation of people with a disability or anyone who may require assistance with evacuation. It is a bespoke 'escape plan' for individuals who may not be able to reach an ultimate place of safety unaided or within a satisfactory period of time in the event of any emergency.
Who needs a PEEP?
PEEPs may be required for staff with:
- mobility impairments
- sight impairments
- hearing impairments
- cognitive impairments
- medical conditions - asthma, blood pressure
- other circumstances
A temporary PEEP may be required for:
- short term injuries (i.e. broken leg)
- temporary medical conditions
- those in the later stages of pregnancy
The underlying question in deciding whether a PEEP is necessary is "can you evacuate the building unaided, in a prompt manner, during an emergency situation?" If the answer is "no", then it is likely that a PEEP is needed.
If you need assistance evacuating from a building, even temporarily, it is your responsibility to inform and complete a PEEP. The completion of the PEEP will decide upon the best escape plan for you in an emergency. This PEEP needs to be reviewed on a regular basis.
The Emergency Manager will be able to assist staff in developing the individualised PEEP and a confidential copy will be circulated to those persons responsible for its implementation. Students should contact Accessibility Service to coordinate the creation of a PEEP.
Download the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) (Word 159kb - opens in a new window)
UTS students
Support services available to help students study in a physically and mentally safe manner are located on the Medical Service and Counselling Service and self help pages.
UTS students can find information on safety around campus on the Studying Safely page.
How wardens assist in an emergency
A warden would normally be assigned to assist a mobility-impaired person during an emergency. The warden, who will already be familiar with the person’s PEEP, will carry out the procedures in accordance with the PEEP.
In some instances, during an evacuation of the building, the mobility-impaired person, and the designated warden, will remain on their floor inside the fire escape and wait for Emergency Services to assist them.
For this reason, the Chief Warden, supervisors, faculty and unit administration and the Emergency Manager need to be aware of the special needs of people within their office/building. Emergency Services must also be made aware of special circumstances so that they are better prepared to deal with the situation. For this reason, at a minimum, the PEEP should be kept with the wardens designated to assist and by the fire indicator panel with the Chief Warden.