UTS is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children.
On this page
What is child abuse? | How do I report child abuse? | What are UTS’s obligations? | Do I need a working with children check? | How do I apply for a WWCC? | What is my role as a supervisor?
Assessment tool
UTS is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment.
You must report any suspected abuse, neglect and/or exploitation, even if the allegation may seem trivial, minor or lacking evidence. UTS will take all necessary steps and precautions to protect children from abuse, neglect, exploitation and/or any forms of misconduct (refer also Child Protection Policy).
If you are involved in child-related work, you will need a working with children check (WWCC).
What is child abuse?
Child abuse can be any act of physical, verbal or sexual abuse carried out against a child. This includes the possession, production and/or distribution of child pornography or any other child exploitation material.
Under New South Wales legislation, a child is anybody under the age of 18 years.
The alleged abuse may occur on campus or by staff or students who may come into contact with children while undertaking child-related work at another location.
How do I report child abuse?
Any instances of child abuse, or allegations of child abuse, whether trivial, minor or lacking evidence, must be reported. You may make your report verbally or in writing and you may make it anonymously.
For staff
You must report any instances or allegations of child abuse to your supervisor or the Executive Director, People and Culture. Visit Child Protection Policy for next steps and further information.
For students
You must report any instances or allegations of child abuse to your responsible academic officer or supervisor. Visit Child Protection Policy for next steps and further information.
What are UTS’s obligations?
UTS must comply with the following child protection legislation:
- Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 (NSW) (the Act) and the Child Protection (Working with Children) Regulation 2013 (NSW) (the Regulation), and
- Children's Guardian Act 2019 (NSW).
UTS must also ensure that staff, students and affiliates have a working with children check (WWCC) if they’re required to have one.
Our obligations and reporting requirements are further outlined in the Child Protection Policy.
Do I need a working with children check?
If you’re involved in child-related work, you must have a working with children check (WWCC), administered by the Office of the Children’s Guardian. It is against the law to engage anyone in child-related work without a WWCC.
Section 6 of the Act outlines what is child-related work. Universities are excluded from child-related work under section 6(2)(g), meaning you do not need a WWCC for your normal day-to-day work with students (even if those students are under 18 years).
Some examples where you may need a WWCC are:
- research projects
- counselling services
- medical health practitioners or clinicians where the patient is not a student, is under 18 years and not accompanied by a parent
- community engagement projects
- sporting events and open days
- outreach programs and summer schools
- internships.
Your supervisor can help you determine whether you need a WWCC. You can also use the working with children check assessment tool to help you work out if you need one.
Office of the Children’s Guardian: Who needs a check
How do I apply for a WWCC?
You must apply for a WWCC through the Office of the Children’s Guardian. You must then provide your WWCC number to UTS. How to apply for a WWCC
You must renew a WWCC after 5 years. How to renew your WWCC
What is my role as a supervisor?
As a supervisor, you need to be familiar with the WWCC process and identify any positions or tasks that require a WWCC.
You can use the working with children check assessment tool to help you identify positions under your supervision that require a WCCC and/or visit Office of the Children’s Guardian: Who needs a check.
You must include any working with children requirements into position descriptions so that applicants can apply for a WWCC before work starts.