The completion of a Sessions Progress Review is compulsory for all Higher Degree by Research students. Failure to submit a Progress Review form may be deemed as unsatisfactory progress for that session and may lead to discontinuation of candidature (Rule 11.13). Contact the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences for a copy of the form.
Students exempt from submitting a Sessions Progress Review are:
Students on Leave of absence for the session
Students who have submitted their thesis for examination
Students making final edits to their thesis following the examination process
Students are notified via the Research Student email list when progress review forms are available for completion each session.
Due date for completion and submission of forms:
Autumn session: 31 May
Spring session: 31 October
Two (2) successive Unsatisfactory reviews; or more than two (2) Unsatisfactory reviews during the course of candidature; may lead to discontinuation of candidature with the student retaining the right of appeal to the Appeals Committee of the Academic Board. After considering all evidence the Board may uphold or dismiss the appeal depending on each case.