Assessment requirements - effective January 2012
Students commencing research degree enrolment from January 2012, are subject to the following assessment components in each year of enrolment.
a) Submission of a Graduate Research Study plan + the assessment requirement applicable to the relevant stage of candidature as prescribed in the Faculty Policy document below. This will be submitted and assessed at the end of each Stage of candidature.
b) Submission of a Session Review of Progress when requested by your School Research Officer
- Faculty Guidelines on Assessment - effective 1 January 2012 (PDF, 251kB)
- Graduate Research Study Plan (PDF, 97kB)
- Graduate Research Study Plan Stage Assessment (PDF, 110kB)
Assessment requirements - Pre 2012
Students who commenced research degree enrolment PRIOR to January 2012 will be subject to the following assessment components.
a) Formal candidature assessment to be completed by the end of 1st Year of enrolment (or part-time equivalent). This assessment will comprise 3 parts – as set out in the Faculty Policy document below.
b) Submission of a Sessions Progress Review at the end of each session.