TalkFest starts on 7 March 2025 !
Want to become a Talkfest Volunteer and help run the event? Register here:
TalkFest is a free, fun-filled event that connects all students from across the university for connection, conversation and free pizza!
It's a great way to meet new people while you develop and enhance your communication and interpersonal skills.
At Talkfest you not only feel a sense of belonging to the UTS community but the global community.
If you are currently in the UTS HELPS Buddy Program, TalkFest is also a chance to meet other buddies!
Register for Talkfest events:
7 March:
(Building 2, Level 6, Room 150)
14 March:
(Building 2, Level 6, Room 150)
21 March:
(Building 2, Level 6, Room 150)
28 March:
4 April:
11 April:

Hey I’m Gav. I’m doing a Bachelor of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.
This is also my first time doing Talkfest. I just kinda came and then really enjoyed it and said ‘Can I volunteer’ and they said ‘Yeah’.
You just need to be an open person. You know, have fun talking to people.
Just relax a little bit as well, you don't need to be like super good at English or anything like that.
For me I enjoy first of all meeting new people and learning more about the world.
What other students have to deal with and the way they study.
I’ve made quite a few friends. It's good to see people weekly and say ‘Oh hey, yeah. How you doing?’, ‘How's your week been?’
I feel a bit more integrated in the uni as well. You get to spend more time with actual people instead of just going home and studying on your own.
Seeing cross cultural boundaries being broken as well is one way to talk to people.
I’ve learnt to be more of an approachable person, in more ways than one.
Instead of just catering to like a local type student, you know being more approachable to other cultures and seeming less scary I guess, smiling a bit more.
But also seeing people smile at the end of the day and knowing that you might have contributed to that smile really you know, warms your heart a bit.
To become a Talkfest volunteer go to the HELPS webpage and follow the links to complete an application.
Enjoyed TalkFest and want an opportunity for 1 to 1 conversation practice? Join the UTS HELPS Buddy Program.
Want to practice your English with more people? Come to Conversations@UTS.
Interested in volunteering? Register here. See HELPS U:Connect programs for more information.
Meet our Talkfest Volunteers

- "It is a fantastic program! I loved being a part of it. UTS HELPS has been my favourite program at university."
- "I'd like to say thank you to the volunteers. Thanks for your time and being there for supporting this event. We wouldn't have a success Talkfest without them. Thank you!"
- "It is a very unique platform, to put yourself out and just talk. It builds one's confidence in just communicating and being yourself."