Research papers and publications
Research papers
- ‘When Should an Employer Offer an Opaque Contract’ by Nick Bedard
- ‘The Strategically Ignorant Principal’ by Nick Bedard
- ‘What Makes Voters Turn Out: The Effects of Polls and Beliefs’ by Marina Agranov, Jacob Goeree, Julian Romero and Leeat Yariv
- ‘Wise Crowds or Wise Minorities’ by Christoph Brunner and Jacob Goeree
- ‘A Geometric Approach to Mechanism Design’ by Jacob Goeree and Alexei Kushnir
- ‘Designing Package Markets to Eliminate Exposure Risk’ by Jacob Goeree and Luke Lindsay
- ‘Stabilizing the Economy: Market Design and General Equilibrium’ by Jacob Goeree and Luke Lindsay
- ‘Noisy Introspection in the 11-20 Game’ by Jacob Goeree, Philippos Louis and Jingjing Zhang
- ‘Conformity in the Lab’ by Jacob Goeree and Leeat Yariv
- ‘Inefficient Markets’ by Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang
- ‘Electoral Engineering: One Man, One Bid’ by Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang
- ‘Learning and Adaptation as a Source of Market Failure’ by David Goldbaum
- ‘Follow the Leader: Equilibrium Analysis of Conformity and Influence on a Social Network’ by David Goldbaum
- ‘Extremism Drives Out Moderation’ by Bettina Klose and Dan Kovenock
- ‘The Barrel of Apples Game: Contingent Thinking, Learning from Observed Actions, and Strategic Heterogeneity ’by Philippos Louis
- ‘Standing In Line: Demand for Investment Opportunities with Exogenous Priorities’ by Philippos Louis
- ‘The Value of Information for Groups’ by Philippos Louis
- ‘Communication in Asymmetric Group Competition over Public Goods’ by Jingjing Zhang
- ‘Communication in Environments with Offsetting Externalities and Competing Groups’ by Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, Andrew Muller, Stephan Schott and Jingjing Zhang
- ‘Effort Provision and Communication in Teams Competing Over the Commons’ by Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, Andrew Muller, Stephan Schott and Jingjing Zhang
- ‘When Do Groups Perform Better than Individuals? A Company Takeover Experiment’ by Marco Casari, Jingjing Zhang and Christine Jackson
- ‘An Investigation of Individual Preferences: Consistency Across Incentives and Stability over Time ’by Emmanouil Mentzakis and Jingjing Zhang
Research publications
Doiron, D., Fiebig, D.G., Johar, M. & Suziedelyte, A. 2015, 'Does self-assessed health measure health?', Applied Economics, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 180-194.
Bateman, H., Eckert, C., Geweke, J., Louviere, J.J., Satchell, S.E. & Thorp, S.J. 2014, 'Financial competence, risk presentation and retirement portfolio preferences', Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 27-61.
Bateman, H., Eckert, C., Geweke, J., Louviere, J.J., Satchell, S.E. & Thorp, S.J. 2014, 'Risk presentation and retirement portfolio choice',Review of Finance.
Durham, G. & Geweke, J. 2014, 'Adaptive sequential posterior simulators for massively parallel computing environments', Advances in Econometrics, vol. 34, pp. 1-44.
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Durham, G. & Geweke, J. 2014, 'Improving Asset Price Prediction When All Models are False', JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 278-306.
Frischknecht, B.D., Eckert, C., Geweke, J. & Louviere, J.J. 2014, 'A simple method for estimating preference parameters for individuals',International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 35-48.
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Geweke, J. 2014, 'Review essay on Charles F. Manski's public policy in an uncertain world: Analysis and decisions', Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 799-804.
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Geweke, J. & Amisano, G. 2014, 'Analysis of Variance for Bayesian Inference', Econometric Reviews, vol. 33, no. 1-4, pp. 270-288.
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Doiron, D., Fiebig, D.G., Johar, M. & Suziedelyte, A. 2014, 'Does self-assessed health measure health?', Applied Economics.
Johar, M. 2014, 'Waiting list prioritization guidelines being followed in Australia?', Medical Decision Making, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 976-986.
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Johar, M. & Maruyama, S. 2014, 'Does coresidence improve an elderly parent's health?', Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 965-983.
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Johar, M. & Savage, E. 2014, 'Do mergers benefit patients in underperforming administrations? Lessons from area health service amalgamation', Economic Record.
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Johar, M. & Truong, J. 2014, 'Direct and indirect effect of depression in adolescence on adult wages', Applied Economics.
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Johar, M. & Truong, J. 2014, 'Direct and indirect effects of adolescent depression on adult wages', Applied Economics.
Johar, M., Jones, G. & Savage, E. 2014, 'What explains the quality and price of GP services? An investigation using linked survey and administrative data', Health Economics (United Kingdom), vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1115-1133.
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Johar, M., Maruyama, S. & Nakamura, S. 2014, 'Reciprocity in the Formation of Intergenerational Coresidence', Journal of Family and Economic Issues, pp. 1-18.
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Shmueli, A. & Savage, E.J. 2014, 'Private and public patients in public hospitals in Australia', Health Policy, vol. 115, no. 2-3, pp. 189-195.
Wooders, J. 2014, 'Analyzing Wimbledon: The Power of Statistics', Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 867-869.