We have deep experience working across both centralised and decentralised environments, enabling us to understand business operations and management across all levels.

Our researchers are at the cutting edge of their fields. Bringing them together under one roof enables us to assemble multidisciplinary teams to develop new theoretical frameworks that help us understand human behaviour and market changes and create and deliver applied research that partners can use.
We are also home to the Behavioural Lab, which has state-of-the-art equipment and technologies enabling us to test theoretical models and to provide partners with policy recommendations that have been thoroughly tested in controlled studies.
Our deep understanding of cultural, social, economic, and political landscapes, along with our robust data analysis and modelling, makes us a partner of choice, with the ability to create flexible, collaborative research projects with a focus on delivering insights to address real-world problems at almost any scale.
Our researchers draw up their expertise in behavioural, theoretical, empirical, and experimental research methods. Some areas of expertise include:
- Market Design
- Prosocial Behaviour
- Persuasion, Risk and Uncertainty
- Time Preferences
- Choice Modelling
- Consumer Preferences
- Auctions and Markets
- Voting and Committee Decision
- Rent-seeking Contests
- Policy-oriented Experiments
- Public Policy
- Resource Allocation Problems
- Health and Education Policies
- Policy Design and Evaluation