Find out about our upcoming and past events

Past events
Behavioural Lab conference, November 2022
In 2022 we hosted the Behavioural Lab conference which brought together leading academics and practitioners of behavioural science together to showcase the latest developments in the field of lab-based behavioural research and studies.
Making markets better – a behavioural perspective, July 2021
Through this collaboration with the Behavioural Insights team in this webinar series, we explored why markets fail, how we know what works in markets and why it is important to centre human behaviour.
Workshop on Behavioural Insights for Policy and Business, November 2019
The workshop featured a keynote presentation by Professor Charles Noussair, an internationally leading academic in Behavioural Economics along with other leading experts from UTS and other universities about implementations of behavioural economic principles that address real-world issues.
Australasian Economic Theory Workshop, February 2019
The Australasian Economic Theory Workshop is an annual conference of Economic Theorists in Australasia that is hosted by a different university in the region each year.
The Economics Discipline Group and the Centre hosted 37th Australasian Economic Theory Workshop. The plenary talks were given by Matthew Rabin (Harvard University) and George Mailath (ANU and the University of Pennsylvania).
Behavioural Lab conference and showcases
The UTS Behavioural Lab hosts events including the annual conference about cutting-edge behavioural research happening in Australia; showcases events for partners in the lab with ‘live demonstration’ of how experiments are conducted; and the Sydney Experimental Brownbag Seminar.
Find out more about UTS Behavioural Lab conference and showcases