Professor Isa Hafalir
Director and economics discipline group member
Isa is a micro-theorist who uses game theory tools and mainly works in the area of “market design.” He primarily builds and studies models motivated by real-world applications. More specifically, Isa’s research interests are in game theory and market design, with a particular emphasis on auction theory, matching theory, and mechanism design.

Professor Adeline Delavande
Economics discipline group
Adeline is an applied microeconomist specialising in education, health, and development economics. Her research explores decision-making under uncertainty, focusing on human capital accumulation and the formation of subjective expectations and attitudes.

Associate Professor Adrian Camilleri
Marketing discipline group
Adrian uses experimental and survey research methods to understand, explain, and predict the cognitive processes underlying judgment and decision-making, and the application of this knowledge to policy, managerial, and consumption contexts. In one recent project, Adrian has attempted to understand how people can make better financial investment decisions over the long term.

Dr Benjamin Young
Economics discipline group
An accomplished researcher with a diverse expertise spanning behavioural economics, microeconomic theory, and experimental economics, Benjamin's work delves into the realm of human decision-making and its implications for economic behaviour and outcomes.

Dr Benjamin Balzer
Economics discipline group
Benjamin is an applied microeconomic theorist whose research is interested in how peoples' incentives and behavioural biases shape the performance of institutions. His work includes studying the performance of different auction formats with loss-averse bidders and alternative dispute-resolution mechanisms to foster pre-trial settlement between potential litigants.

Dr David Goldbaum
Economics discipline group
David's research interests include economic models with learning and adaptation, financial markets, information, and rational choice. His most recent research examines social network formation and the emergence of leaders as a social phenomenon.

Dr Elif Incekara Hafalir
Economics discipline group
Elif is a behavioural economist using experimental methods to study individual decision-making. Her research interests include time and risk preferences, self-control, and social norms. She is interested in applying her skills in behavioural economics to practical problems in areas such as financial decision-making, education, and human capital accumulation.

Dr Emil Temnyalov
Economics discipline group
Emil is a researcher specializing in microeconomic theory, industrial organization, and public policy. He focuses on mechanism and market design, information economics, contests, and their policy implications. His work examines areas such as public policy, innovation, antitrust, regulation, education, and labour markets, with an emphasis on differential treatment and applying market design frameworks.

Dr Geetanjali Saluja
Marketing discipline group
Geetanjali is interested in studying how consumers respond to messaging by brands as well as policymakers. This includes looking at how certain consumers might respond differently to messages by brands advocating a social issue or cause or messaging by the government around COVID-19 health regulations.

Jake An
Marketing discipline group
Jakes's research focuses on enhancing new technologies that multiply social impact such as goal-enabling technology, social investing technology, and carbon offset program technology. His works have been published in international peer-reviewed academic journals such as Management Science and the Journal of Marketing.

Dr Jason Collins
Economics discipline group
Jason’s work focuses on how we can best translate behavioural economics research into applied settings in industry and government. He joined UTS following a career in industry and government where he built and led behavioural and data science teams.

Associate Professor Jun Zhang
Australian Research Council Research Fellow
Jun is an economist who conducts research on market design and experimental economics. His work focuses on understanding how different market structures and rules affect the behaviour of buyers and sellers, and how this affects market outcomes. He also has a policy orientation to inform and improve real-world market policies and regulations.

Dr Kentaro Tomoeda
Economics discipline group
Kentaro specialises in microeconomic theory, market design, and the economics of education. His research delves into the application of theoretical frameworks to gain valuable insights into the challenges and intricacies of education markets and policies.

Professor Luis Vascencelos
Economics discipline group
Luis' research is in the field of applied microeconomics, in particular in industrial organisation, contract theory, and corporate strategy. His recent interest is in the problem of setting the right incentives in organisations and using tools like the Performance Management System to sharpen those incentives.

Dr Mario Fiorini
Economics discipline group
Mario is an applied economist with an interest in policy evaluation. He works on policy evaluation econometrics methods and applications, including the impact of the Sydney Lockout Laws on crime and the effect of the Covid lockdown on domestic violence.

Dr Natalina Zlatesvska
Marketing discipline group
Natalina's research centers on health and well-being, with a focus on health promotion, food access, healthy food consumption, and sustainability. With over 15 years of experience in this field, she has provided guidance to the Health Food Partnership Community of Interest and contributed insights on obesity and nutrition-related legislation.

Professor Mikhail Anufriev
Economics discipline group
A renowned expert in bounded rationality, learning, experimental and behavioral economics, agent modeling, and complexity theory. Mikhail's research delves into the interplay between individual choices and overall market dynamics, shedding light on economic processes. His contributions to heterogeneous agent modeling encompass theories of endogenous bubbles and crashes in financial markets.

Dr Nathan Kettlewell
Chancellor's Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Economics discipline group
Nathan is an applied microeconomist. His research explores the nature of people’s decision-making preferences, such as their appetite for risk. He has also been involved in numerous policy evaluation studies, including evaluations of private health incentives, welfare restrictions, and regional tax subsidies.

Professor Peter Siminski
Economics discipline group
Peter is an applied microeconomist. He has over 20 years of policy-oriented research experience, with a focus on inequality, economic mobility, education, and credible evaluation of government program impact.

Professor Robert Slonim
Economics discipline group
Bob's research interests are in experimental and behavioural economics. He has published academic research articles on a range of topics including game theory, education, public policy, charitable donations, and altruism across several academic disciplines.

Taewoo Kim
Marketing discipline group
Taewoo's research revolves around the fascinating realm of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies and their profound impact on consumer decision-making and persuasion. He delves into the intricate dynamics between emerging technologies and consumer behaviour, seeking to understand how AI and other cutting-edge advancements shape the choices consumers make.

Dr Toru Suziki
Economics discipline group
An esteemed researcher, Toru has made significant contributions in a diverse range of fields. His areas of expertise encompass communication games, economics and language, contest design, voting games, bounded rationality, and political economy. Toru significantly contributes to our understanding of complex economic and social systems.

Dr Valeria Noguit
Marketing discipline group
Valeria's research focuses on social media, consumer behaviour, and entrepreneurship, using a wide range of methodologies including quantitative and qualitative, and most recently specialising in automated-text analysis.