Meet the 2022 Techcelerator student project teams (both Techcelerator-2022 teams and Hacking for National Security teams), learn more about their projects, and what inspired their prototype/solution development.
Techcelerator 2022

Light for Sight
Chief Technology Officer: HeeChan Kwon
Team members: Mina Jang and Ki hyun Son
Light For Sight is a key technology that adds harmony to future innovation and for rapidly developing smart IoT cities. Light for sight is a project for visually impaired people that implements based on 'Deep Tech' technologies on 'White Cane' by self-pairing our product easily.

Chief Technology Officer: Bhavya Popli
Team member: Mohanisha Mehra
Watch the video of Heary project
Heary is an AI and Machine Learning based solution that helps sufferers of tinnitus reduce the impact of their symptoms, and helps prevents younger audiences from developing tinnitus at an early age. With 1 in 5 Australian suffering from tinnitus, we are passionate about helping reduce the impact of tinnitus through our advances in technology, and help make the world a better place with less problems for all of us.

Chief Technology Officer: Bavly Hanna
Team member: Vivian Farah
We propose data-driven AI techniques to cut energy consumption, cost and create an app to notify commuters of congestion, emergencies, power failure of streetlights.
Microfluidic solution for cell-based therapy
Chief Technology Officer: Dorsa Morshedi Rad
Team member: Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani
We are developing a low-cost solution for efficient engineering of patients own immune cells to better recognize and attack cancer cells.

Intelligent Scanners
Chief Technology Officer: Gitarth Vaishnav
Team member: Saloni Desai

Solid State Hard Drive (SSD) Zeroisation
Team members: Thorne Blackman and Doruk Baran
Australian Defence Force (ADF) Cyber Operators need reusable Solid State Drives (SSDs) that can be zeroised (i.e., permanently delete data and verified) in order to ensure security of classified and sensitive data.

Becoming a Smart Manager of Technical Data and IP Rights
Team members: Christopher Lee, Da Cheng Gu, Kalia Weate and Reece Malanos
Defence representatives need a comprehensive, standardised way to manage technical data and associated intellectual property rights to enable Defence to meet its operational requirements and obligations (e.g., financial, security, capability acquisition and sustainment, legal, etc.).

Australian civilian and Defence information exchange for Space domain awareness
Team members: Gaayathiri Shanmugarajah, Jacob Rochecouste, Alexander Harb and Reece Vernon
Australian Defence Space Command (DSpC) need an interoperability tool/framework that allows Defence to exchange space environment information with their Australian civilian counterparts in order to co-develop a national space surveillance enterprise.