Resources including advice, learning material and links to government services are presented here for students with entrepreneurial mindsets.
Resources for Potential Entrepreneurs

General resources
Entrepreneurs' Programme: Australian Government funds for start-ups.
Small Business Administration: A website prepared by the US SBA, offering a number of references and other useful services to small and entrepreneurial business ventures. This website has a number of sample business plans and useful templates for creating your own business plan.
Entrepreneurs: A wide range of videos to improve entrepreneurial knowledge offered by Stanford University.
Entrepreneurship: Masterclass series on entrepreneurship for students presented by MIT Martin Trust Center of Entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship Centre resources: Advice, materials, access to reports, and links to useful entrepreneurial and business networks provided by University of Cambridge.
Design Kit: A wide range of design thinking methods offered by IDEO.
Entrepreneurship for Women PhD Students: 7-module free online entrepreneurship program for women PHD students supported by Kirby Foundation and Techcelerator.
UTS resources
The main UTS links for entrepreneurship are:
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