NSW Health mandatory training modules
It is your responsibility to complete these modules:
- Work, Health, Safety and Hazardous Manual Tasks (complete once)
- Privacy – It’s Yours to Keep (complete once)
- Hand Hygiene (complete once every 5 years)
- Management of the deteriorating patient (Between the Flags – Tier 1: Awareness, Charts and Escalation) (complete once)
- Overview of the eMR for Nursing and Midwifery Students (complete once)
- Cyber Security Fundamentals
- Infection Prevention and Control Practices
- Personal protective equipment for combined transmission-based precautions
- Donning and fit checking of P2 or N95 respirators in NSW healthcare settings
- Security Awareness - All staff
13 days before your placement in an NSW Health facility, you will:
- Receive an email with a StaffLink ID and a temporary password
- This will include instructions on setting up your account
Once you create your account, this will be your login for:
- My Health Learning Modules
- Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system in NSW Health facilities
If you are currently employed with NSW Health, you will:
- use your existing StaffLink ID
- complete any outstanding modules
- access the EMR system as a UTS Student
Your access to the EMR system will be:
- suspended 14 days after your placement finishes
- re-activated 13 days before your next placement
- use the same StaffLink ID for each placement (this can be found in MyPlacement 'Checks' tab)
- Some Local Health Districts require additional paperwork to be completed to gain EMR access. You will be advised of this by the Clinical Practice Unit or the facility
If you have any questions, please email the Clinical Practice Unit.
If you have received the email with your StaffLink ID but are having issues with logging in, call the State-Wide Service Desk on 1300 28 55 33. Have your StaffLink ID ready.