Code of Conduct Agreement for Students
Students are required to read the NSW Health Code of Conductand acknowledge they understand the Code of Conduct by signing the NSW Health Code of Conduct Agreement.
Undertaking Declaration Form
Students are required to read the NSW Health Occupational Assessment, Screening and Vaccination against Specified Infectious Diseases (OASV) Policy Directive and complete the Undertaking Declaration Form.
Turberculosis (TB) Assessment Tool
Students are required to read and complete the Turberculosis (TB) Assessment Tool. To determine if further TB testing required, refer to NSW Health Appendix 3: TB Assessment Decision Support Tool. Request to add hyperlink image.
Blood Borne Virus Student Declaration Form (Midwifery Students Only)
Students are required to undergo a BBV test every 3 years, read and complete the Blood Borne Virus Student Declaration Form.