Welcome to the Department of Economics' Working Paper Series. This Working Paper Series contains research papers in Economics published by past and present members of the Department as well as selected visiting scholars. Copies of the abstracts for each working paper have been made available for download where possible. Older working papers for the Department of Economics can also be viewed at RePEc.
Due to the update of the UTS websites, we are currently unable to upload details of each working paper (as done for previous working papers).
Title: Learner driving experience and motor vehicle accidents
Paper number: 02
Authors: Nathan Kettlewell, Peter Siminski
Date published: February 2025
Title: Using Placebo Zones for Model Selection in RDD and Related Settings
Paper number: 01
Authors: Nathan Kettlewell, Peter Siminski
Date published: February 2025
Title: Is Gig-Work a Choice? A behavioural experimental analysis of preferences for gig work
Paper number: 06
Authors: Rebecca L. Bachmann, Michelle Baddeley
Date published: October 2024
Title: A Family of Norms: Related Beliefs about Female Labor Force Participation
Paper number: 05
Authors: Sultan Alkhuzam, Elif Incekara-Hafalir, Stephanie W. Wang
Date published: October 2024
Title: Improving Financial Wellbeing, One Nudge at a Time
Paper number: 04
Authors: Elif Incekara-Hafalir, Hanlin Lou, Robert Slonim
Date published: September 2024
Title: Incentivizing Retention: The Power of Self-Selected Rewards
Paper number: 03
Authors: Elif Incekara-Hafalir, Grace HY Lee, Erte Xiao
Date published: September 2024
Title: A Simple Approach to Staggered Difference-in-Differences in the Presence of Spillovers
Paper number: 02
Authors: Mario Fiorini, Wooyong Lee, Gregor Pfeifer
Date published: January 2024
Title: Does the Fed say it all? Textual analysis of public communications and private discussions
Paper number: 01
Authors: Aleksei Chernulich, Mengheng Li, Eamon McGinn
Date published: January 2024
Title: Diversification and Information in Contests
Paper number: 07
Authors: Jorge Lemus, Emil Temnyalov
Date published: November 2023
Title: A behavioural analysis of time inconsistency in macroeconomic policy-making
Paper number: 06
Authors: Michelle Baddeley
Date published: November 2023
Title: Optimal Top-n Policy
Paper number: 05
Authors: Isa Hafalir, Siqi Pan, Kentaro Tomoeda
Date published: September 2023
Title: A Generalized Principal-Agent Model With Lying Costs
Paper number: 04
Authors: Isa Hafalir, Gordon Menzies
Date published: August 2023
Title: Bayesian School Choice: Welfare Comparison of Immediate Acceptance and Deferred Acceptance Mechanism
Paper number: 03
Authors: Ethem Akyol, Isa Hafalir, Antonio Miralles
Date published: August 2023
Title: Efficient Market Design With Distributional Objectives
Paper number: 02
Authors: Isa Hafalir, Fuhito Kojima, M. Bumin Yenmez
Date published: July 2023
Title: Representation Theorems for Path-Independent Choice Rules
Paper number: 01
Authors: Koji Yokote, Isa Hafalir, Fuhito Kojima, M. Bumin Yenmez
Date published: March 2023
Title: Design on Matroids: Diversity vs. Meritocracy
Paper number: 04
Authors: Isa Hafalir, Fuhito Kojima, M. Bumin Yenmez, Koji Yokote
Date published: December 2022
Title: Identification and estimation of dynamic random coefficient models
Paper number: 03
Authors: Wooyong Lee
Date published: October 2022
Title: Optimal Reserve Prices in Auctions with Expectations-Based Loss-Averse Bidders
Paper number: 02
Authors: Benjamin Balzer, Antonio Rosato
Date published: September 2022
Title: Weak Stability against Robust Deviations and the Bargaining Set in the Roommate Problem
Paper number: 01
Authors: Daisuke Hirata, Yusuke Kasuya, Kentaro Tomoeda
Date published: July 2022
Title: Optimal Model Selection in RDD and Related Settings Using Placebo Zones
Paper number: 06
Authors: Nathan Kettlewell and Peter Siminski
Date published: October 2021
Title: A behavioural model of investment appraisal and its implications for the marcoeconomy
Paper number: 05
Authors: Michelle Baddeley and Geoff Harcourt
Date published: August 2021
Title: Pragmatic Ambiguity and Rational Miscommunication
Paper number: 04
Author: Toru Suzuki
Date published: June 2021
Title: Individualism and Collectivism as predictors of compliance with COVID-19 public health safety expectations
Paper number: 03
Authors: Cassandra Castle, Corrado Di Guilmi, Olena Stavrunova
Date published: May 2021
Title: Why Waste Your Vote? Informal Voting in Compulsory Elections in Australia
Paper number: 02
Authors: Eamon McGinn, Shiko Maruyama
Date published: May 2021
Title: A Short Period Sraffa-Keynes Model for the Evaluation of Monetary Policy
Paper number: 01
Author: Peter Docherty
Date published: February 2021
Title: Efficiently Imprecise Contracts
Paper number: 07
Author: Toru Suzuki
Date published: August 2020
Title: Parallel Innovation Contests
Paper number: 06
Authors: Ersin Körpeoglu, C. Gizem Korpeoglu, Isa E. Hafalir
Date published: June 2020
Title: Dutch versus First-Price Auctions with Dynamic Expectations-Based Reference-Dependent Preferences
Paper number: 05
Authors: Benjamin Balzer, Antonio Rosato, Jonas von Wangenheim
Date published: June 2020
Title: Rethinking Specialization and the Sexual Division of Labor in the 21st Century
Paper number: 04
Authors: Peter Siminski, Rhiannon Yetsenga
Date published: June 2020
Title: The Favored But Flawed Simultaneous Multiple-Round Auction
Paper number: 03
Authors: Nicolas C. Bedard, Jacob K. Goeree, Philippos Louis, Jingjing Zhang
Date published: February 2020
Title: TBC
Paper number: 02
Author: Bowen Fu
Date published: February 2020
Title: A Theory of Intuition & Contemplation
Paper number: 01
Author: Benjamin Balzer, Benjamin Young
Date published: February 2020
Title: Signaling by Bayesian Persuasion and Pricing Strategy. Short Title: Disclosure and Price Signaling
Paper number: 14
Authors: Yanlin Chen, Jun Zhang
Date published: December 2019
Title: The Effect of Payment Medium on Effort
Paper number: 13
Authors: Elif Incekara-Hafalir, Raymond Kumar
Date published: September 2019
Title: Diversification and Information in Contests
Paper number: 12
Authors: Jorge Lemus, Emil Temnyalov
Date published: July 2019
Title: Liability Insurance: Equilibrium Contracts under Monopoly and Competition
Paper number: 11
Authors: Jorge Lemus, Emil Temnyalov, John L. Turner
Date published: July 2019
Title: Planar Beauty Contests
Paper number: 10
Authors: Mikhail Anufriev, John Duffy, Valentyn Panchenko
Date published: June 2019
Title: Pay-for-delay with Follow-on Products
Paper number: 09
Authors: Jorge Lemus and Emil Temnyalov
Date published: May 2019
Title: The multivariate simultaneous unobserved components model and identification via heteroskedasticity
Paper number: 08
Authors: Mengheng Li, Ivan Mendieta-Muñoz
Date published: May 2019
Title: Stability against Robust Deviations in the Roommate Problem
Paper number: 07
Authors: Daisuke Hirata, Yusuke Kasuya, Kentaro Tomoeda
Date published: May 2019
Title: Incentives to Persevere (in progress)
Paper number: 06
Authors: Elif Incekara-Hafalir, Grace HY Lee, Audrey KL Siah, Erte Xiao
Date published: May 2019
Title: Strategically delusional
Paper number: 05
Authors: Alice Solda, Changxia Ke, Lionel Page, William von Hippel
Date published: March 2019
Title: Learning to hesitate
Paper number: 04
Authors: Ambroise Descamps, Sebastien Massoni, Lionel Page
Date published: March 2019
Title: Regional Migration and Wage Inequality in the West African Economic and Monetary Union
Paper number: 03
Authors: Esther Mirjam Girsberger, Romuald Meango, Hillel Rapoport
Date published: February 2019
Title: Three Dimensions of Central Bank Credibility and Inferential Expectations: The Euro Zone
Paper number: 02
Authors: Timo Henckel, Gordon Menzies, Peter Moffatt, Daniel J. Zizzo
Date published: February 2019
Title: Wages and employment: The role of occupational skills
Paper number: 01
Authors: Esther Mirjam Girsberger, Matthias Krapf, Miriam Rinawi
Date published: January 2019
Title: Efficient Investments in the Implementation Problem
Paper number: 54
Author: Kentaro Tomoeda
Date published: December 2018
Title: Auction Design by an Informed Seller: The Optimality of Reserve Price Signaling
Paper number: 53
Author: Xin Zhao
Date published: October 2018
Title: Heterogeneity and Unanimity: Optimal Committees with Information Acquisition
Paper number: 52
Author: Xin Zhao
Date published: October 2018
Title: Looking for the stars: Estimating the natural rate of interest
Paper number: 51
Authors: Mengheng Li, Irma Hindrayanto
Date published: October 2018
Title: Expectations-Based Loss Aversion in Common-Value Auctions: Extensive vs. Intensive Risk
Paper number: 50
Authors: Benjamin Balzer, Antonio Rosato
Date published: October 2018
Title: Leverage, asymmetry and heavy tails in the high-dimensional factor stochastic volatility model
Paper number: 49
Author: Mengheng Li, Marcel Scharth
Date published: August 2018
Title: Restoring Trust in Finance: From Principal-Agent to Principled Agent
Paper number: 48
Authors: Gordon Menzies, Donald Hay, Thomas Simpson, David Vines,
Date published: July 2018
Title: The Effects of Birth Order on Adult Outcomes: Evidence from Australia
Paper number: 47
Authors: Gordon Menzies, Olena Stavrunova, Oleg Yerokhin
Date published: June 2018
Title: A Synthesis of the Lewis Development Model and Neoclassical Trade Models
Paper number: 46
Author: Gordon Menzies,
Date published: June 2018
Title: Fee Structure and Mutual Fund Choice: An Experiment
Paper number: 45
Authors: Mikhail Anufriev, Te Bao, Angela Sutan & Jan Tuinstra
Date published: June 2018
Title: Composite Likelihood Methods for Large Bayesian VARs with Stochastic Volatility
Paper number: 44
Authors: Joshua C.C. Chan, Eric Eisenstat, Chenghan Hou & Gary Koop
Date published: May 2018
Title: Reducing Dimensions in a Large TVP-VAR
Paper number: 43
Authors: Joshua C.C Chan, Eric Eisenstat & Rodney W. Strachan
Date published: March 2018
Title: Switching Cost Models as Hypothesis Tests
Paper number: 42
Authors: Samuel N. Cohen, Timo Henckel, Gordon D. Menzies, Johannes Muhle-Karbe and Daniel J. Zizzo
Date published: 2018
Title: Identifying Noise Shocks
Paper number: 41
Authors: Joshua C.C. Chan, Eric Eisenstat, Luca Benati & Gary Koop
Date published: 2018
Title: Sticky Belief Adjustment: A Double Hurdle Model and Experimental Evidence
Paper number: 40
Authors: Timo Henckel, Gordon D Menzies, Peter Moffatt and Daniel J. Zizzo
Date published: April 2017
Title: Good Lies
Paper number: 39
Authors: Filippo Pavesi and Massimo Scotti
Date published: 2017
Title: The "Flock" Phenomenon of the Sydney Lockout Laws: Dual Effects on Rental Prices
Paper number: 38
Authors: Georgia Perks and Shiko Maruyama
Date published: 2016
Title: Networks formation to assist decision making
Paper number: 37
Authors: David Goldbaum
Date published: 2016
Title: Emergent Coordination among Competitors
Paper number: 36
Authors: AJ Bostian and David Goldbaum
Date published: 2016
Title: Conformity and Influence
Paper number: 35
Authors: David Goldbaum
Date published: March 2016
Title: Divergent behavior in markets with idiosyncratic private information
Paper number: 34
Authors: David Goldbaum
Date published: February 2016
Title: In Praise of (Some) Red Tape: A New Approach to Regulation
Paper number: 33
Authors: Gordon Menzies, Peter Dixon and Maureen Rimmer
Date published: January 2016
Title: Dissolving a Partnership Dynamically
Paper number: 32
Authors: Matt van Essen and John Wooders
Date published: January 2016
Title: Microfoundations for Switching Behavior in Heterogeneous Agent Models: An Experiment
Paper number: 31
Authors: Mikhail Anufriev, Te Bao and Jan Tuinstra
Date published: September 2015
Title: Fee Structure, Return Chasing and Mutual Fund Choice: An Experiment
Paper number: 3o
Authors: Mikhail Anufriev, Te Bao, Angela Sutan and Jan Tuisntraand Jan Tuinstra
Date published: September 2015
Title: Simple Forecasting Heuristics that Make us Smart: Evidence from Different Market Experiments
Paper number: 29
Authors: Mikhail Anufriev, Cars Hommes and Tomasz Makarewicz
Date Published: September 2015
Title: The Dynamics of Leverage in a Minskyan Model with Heterogeneous Firms
Paper number: 28
Authors: Corrado Di Guilmi and Laura Carvalho
Date Published: July 2015
Title: Interacting Information Cascades: On the Movement of Conventions Between Groups
Paper number: 27
Authors: James C.D. Fisher and John Wooders
Date Published: January 2015
Title: Instrument-free Identification and Estimation of Differentiated Products Models
Paper number: 26
Authors: David P. Byrne, Susumu Imai,Vasilis Sarafidis and Masayuki Hirukawa
Date Published: January 2015
Title: Regulatory Independence – It’s not Just about Institutions
Paper number: 25
Authors: Gordon D. Menzies
Date Published: December 2014
Title: Capital Account Liberalization and Dynamic Price Discovery: Evidence from Chinese Cross-Listed Stocks
Paper number: 24
Authors: Marc K Chan and Simon Kwok
Date Published: August 2014
Title: Measuring the Dynamic Effects of Welfare Time Limits
Paper number: 23
Authors: Marc K Chank
Date Published: August 2014
Title: How Well Do Prices Converge in Anticipation of Capital Control Liberalization? Evidence from a Chinese Reform
Paper number: 22
Authors: Marc K Chan
Date Published: May 2014
Title: Does a Nearby Murder Affect Housing Prices and Rents? The Case of Sydney
Paper number: 21
Authors: Anastasia Klimova and Adrian D. Lee
Date Published: April 2014
Title: Consistent Estimation of Panel Data Models with a Multifactor Error Structure when the Cross Section Dimension is Large
Paper number: 20
Authors: Bin Peng and Giovanni Forchini
Date Published: March 2014
Title: Welfare Dependence and Self-Control: An Empirical Analysis
Paper number: 19
Authors: Marc K Chan
Date Published: March 2014
Title: From Engineer to Taxi Driver? Language Proficiency and the Occupational Skills of Immigrants
Paper number: 18
Authors: Susumu Imai, Derek Stacey and Casey Warman
Date Published: February 2014
Title: A Brief History of Equality
Paper number: 17
Authors: Geoffrey Brennan, Gordon D. Menzies and Michael Munger
Date published: January 2014
Title: Tax Incentives and the Demand for Private Health Insurance
Paper number: 16
Authors: Olena Stavrunova and Oleg Yerokhin
Date published: November 2013
Title: Follow the Leader: Simulations on a Dynamic Social Network
Paper number: 15
Authors: David Goldbaum
Date published: November 2013
Title: Learning and Adaptation as a Source of Market Failure
Paper number: 14
Authors: David Goldbaum
Date published: August 2013
Title: The Great Recession and the Two Dimensions of European Central Bank Credibility
Paper number: 13
Authors: Timo Henckel, Gordon D. Menzies and Daniel J. Zizzo
Date published: August 2013
Title: A Quantile-based Test of Protection for Sale Model
Paper number: 12
Authors: Susumu Imai, Hajime Katayama and Kala Krishna
Date published: June 2013
Title: How Portfolios Evolve After Retirement: Evidence From Australia
Paper number: 11
Authors: Alexandra Spicer, Olena Stavrunova and Susan Thorp
Date published: June 2013
Title: Monetary Policy and Debt Deflation: Some Computational Experiments
Paper number: 10
Authors: Carl Chiarella and Corrado Di Guilmi
Date published: June 2013
Title: Adaptive Sequential Posterior Simulators for Massively Parallel Computing Environments
Paper number: 9
Authors: Garland Durham and John Gewke
Date published: April 2013
Title: Learning Cycles in Bertrand Competition with Differentiated Commodities and Competing Learning Rules
Paper number: 8
Authors: Mikhail Anufriev, Dávid Kopányiz and Jan Tuinstra
Date published: April 2013
Title: Is Monotonicity in an IV and RD Design Testable? No, But You Can Still Check on It
Paper number: 7
Authors: Ben Edwards, Mario Fiorini, Katrien Stevens and Matthew Taylor
Date published: April 2013
Title: Blind Stealing: Experience and Expertise in a Mixed-Strategy Poker Experiment
Paper number: 6
Authors: Matt Van Essen and John Wooders
Date published: March 2013
Title: Dynamic Markets for Lemons: Performance, Liquidity, and Policy Intervention
Paper number: 5
Authors: Diego Moreno and John Wooders
Date published: March 2013
Title: How the Allocation of Children’s Time Affects Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Development
Paper number: 4
Authors: Mario Fiorini and Michael P. Keane
Date published: February 2013
Title: The Impact of Short-Selling Constraints on Financial Market Stability in a Heterogeneous Agents Model
Paper number: 3
Authors: Mikhail Anufriev and Jan Tuinstra
Date published: February 2013
Title: Non-traded Factor Appreciation in China
Paper number: 2
Authors: Gordon D. Menzies and Xiaolin Xiao
Date published: September 2012
Title: Explaining Health Care Expenditure Variation: Large-sample Evidence Using Linked Survey and Health Administrative Data
Paper number: 1
Authors: Randall P. Ellis, Denzil G. Fiebig, Meliyanni Johar, Glenn Jones and Elizabeth Savage
Date published: May 2012