Sydney MX: This writer takes flight P2
Sydney MX
6 June 2007
Reproduced with permission.
Travel Bug
This writer takes flight
Emma Schimann
Travelling ignites Tiffany Hambley's imagination and fills her notebooks with ideas.
"I often find that the simple act of going to an airport and getting off the plane in a foreign country, where everything smells and looks different and I'm cut off from other people, maybe by a language barrier, means that I am writing a lot and filling lots of notebooks with ideas," says Hambley.
Even when the writer is back in Sydney she can't get foreign places out of her head.
"And as soon as I come back from one trip the ideas start to build for the next one," she says.
Hambley adapted writing as a creative outlet, a welcome change from work as a legal researcher in the law faculty at UTS.
"I really like the mix of what I'm doing at the moment," Hambley said.
UTS Writers' Anthology 2007 What You Do and Don't Want is available now through ABC Books, RRP $24.95.