Basic Psychosocial Skills: A Guide for COVID-19 Responders
*An online course on Basic Psychosocial Skills has become available, access the FREE course here.

Figure 1: Screen capture of the YouTube Video developed for the WHO CC UTS YouTube Channel
In the context of the global pandemic of COVID-19, people who are in first responder roles are experiencing increasing stress and pressure and are being called on to support others in their communities with high rates of stress and distress. Supporting mental health and wellness is recognised as being a key component of effective health promotion during this challenging period. As a means of contributing to the preparedness and support for first responders, the WHO Collaborating Centre at UTS (WHO CC UTS) has worked since mid-June to adapt the IASC Basic Psychosocial Skills: A Guide for COVID-19 First Responders for use in Pacific Island Contexts, creating teaching resources that were accessible and engaging for communities in the Pacific. A Pacific Working Group was established which included members from 6 Pacific Island Countries. The Working Group convened several times during July and August for discussions, Zoom workshops, and structured feedback opportunities on the First Responder resource, and their detailed feedback was incorporated into the development of an adapted training resource of Basic Psychosocial Skills: A Guide for COVID-19 Responders.

Figure 2: Screen capture of the YouTube video developed for the WHO CC UTS YouTube channel demonstrating where to find more information on the Guide
In September an online training pilot was conducted with the Pacific Working Group members from a range of Pacific Island Countries (PICs), in collaboration with The Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Network (MHPSS) using the adapted training resource. Feedback was very positive, and additional amendments were suggested for the final version of the training resource. The teaching resources were then further revised and finalised to include the feedback that was given from the Pacific Working Group pilot.
In conjunction with the PowerPoint presentation/ teaching resources, four short videos were developed and produced for use on social media, which were uploaded onto the WHO
WHO CC UTS YouTube channel (Click here) to be shared widely throughout the Pacific. The videos focus on central psychosocial skills and encourage the viewer to engage with the full resource. The development of these videos involved considerable input from Pacific colleagues including the development of scripts, the sharing of video content, and the review of the draft Basic Psychosocial Skills YouTube showcase videos. Before these videos were uploaded, they were reviewed and adapted to be in line with the recommendations from the Pacific Advisory Group.

It is hoped that this work will continue to prepare colleagues and health workers in the Pacific for events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Full Resources available at:
Module 1:
Module 2:
Module 3:
Module 4: