Investigators: Professor Meera Agar, Ingrid Amgarth-Duff, Linda Brown, Dr Michael Chapman, Dr Sungwon Chang, Andrea Cross, Professor Richard Head, Professor Bogda Koczwara, Professor Meinir Krishnasamy, Dr Philip Lee, Dr Tim Luckett, Professor Jennifer Philip, Professor Jane Phillips, Dr Rayan Saleh Moussa, Manraaj Sidhu, Dr Christopher Steer, Dr Puma Sundaresan, Professor Rosalie Viney, Dr Aaron Wong, Dr Vanessa Yenson.
Sponsor: Cancer Symptom Trials, Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney
Defining research priorities and needs in cancer symptoms for adults who are living with or have had cancer: an Australian/New Zealand modified Delphi study
Increasingly, consumers, clinicians, and researchers have identified the need for consolidated efforts to improve the evidence base for cancer symptom management and the implementation of models of symptomatic and supportive care into practice and health services. To ensure this evidence can be created rapidly and efficiently, and the cancer symptom and supportive care research community, working in partnership with cancer consumers need to mount a coherent and focussed effort around identified research priorities. As such, the results of this study will directly assist in the advocacy and prioritisation of future research and high-quality clinical trials into the most important cancer symptoms, with the potential to recommend new or repurposed drugs, devices, or non-pharmacological interventions that will significantly improve the quality of life of these patients.
This modified Delphi study aligns with the vision of Cancer Australia to reduce the impact of cancer, address disparities and improve outcomes for people affected by cancer. The outcomes of the study will identify the cancer symptoms in most need of attention, which will allow for advocacy in the direction of future research and targeted clinical trials that will ultimately improve the lives of those living with cancer. It also aligns with and will add information to the recent recommendations by the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) for a model of ongoing care for cancer survivors that uses 1) a systematic, coordinated approach with 2) stratified pathways based on needs and risk, that 3) supports wellness, healthy lifestyle, primary and secondary prevention with 4) a living survivorship plan to facilitate communication between providers, and 5) calls for equitable access to services when needed.
Go to CST projects.
Cancer symptom management priority setting - adults (round 2)
Thank you to those who completed the Round 1 survey for this study. Your responses have been invaluable and have helped us to progress to the next stage of the study.
Round 1 survey participants and new participants are now invited to answer the Round 2 survey for this study, which is being conducted by a team of investigators from Cancer Symptom Trials (CST).
This short (10-minute) Round 2 survey lists the cancer symptoms and interventions raised in Round 1 and asks if you agree with the results.
The aim of the Round 2 survey is to start to reach an agreement between all survey participants so that we can prioritise the most troubling cancer symptoms.
We are interested in your views regarding which cancer symptoms have the biggest impact on daily life for people who are living with, or have lived with, cancer, as well as the people who care for them.
Your participation will help us to identify gaps in prevention, detection, or management of these symptoms and provide a clear direction for future research. Your responses will help us to advocate for, and prioritise, research into new medications, medical devices and non-medication treatments in Australia and New Zealand.
We will take into account the views of people living with cancer, their families, carers, and health professionals who provide cancer care. This will give us the greatest potential to significantly improve the quality of life of people with cancer, and their families.
This survey closed on 30 September 2021.
If you have any queries, please email cst@uts.edu.au.
Cancer symptom management priority setting - adults (round 1)
Are you over 18 and living with cancer or looking after someone who is?
We are interested in your views regarding which cancer symptoms have the biggest impact on daily life for people that are living with or have lived with cancer and those that take care of them. This will help us identify gaps in prevention, detection or management of these symptoms and provide a clear direction for future research and clinical trials.
This is the first survey of its kind within Australia or New Zealand. Your responses will assist us to advocate for and prioritise research into new medications, medical devices, and non-medication treatments and clinical trials that, in the view of people living with cancer, their families, and health professionals who provide cancer care, have the greatest potential to significantly improve quality of life. This will look at the symptoms with the biggest impact during your anti-cancer treatment journey and through to life after cancer.
This survey is being conducted by a team of investigators from the Cancer Symptom Trials (CST) unit at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
This survey closed on Monday 31 August 2020.
If you have any questions about this research, please email CST@uts.edu.au.