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Facing Fatigue Seminar Series

Commencing in July 2023, Cancer Symptom Trials (CST) is hosting national and international presenters with expertise in fatigue as part of the Facing Fatigue Seminar Series.

This free, online seminar series aims to build researcher and clinician capacity to better manage fatigue for people living with, or after cancer.

A recent Delphi study conducted by CST researchers found that fatigue is the uniting cancer symptom that consumers and healthcare professionals agree has the most impact on daily life. This series aims to continue the conversation started by the study.

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Why fatigue?

CST recently completed a Delphi study in adult cancer symptom research priorities in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Both consumers and health care professionals (HCPs) reported that fatigue was the symptom that was the most troublesome.

Drawing on the Delphi study finding and given its relationship to other cancer symptoms as well as its universal presence, we believe that fatigue should be a high priority for further clinical research.

Is this series for me?

If you are a clinician or researcher in any health discipline, and you are interested in building your knowledge and understanding of cancer related fatigue, this free online seminar series is for you. Sign up to one or more sessions in the series – it’s up to you! 

CST members, members of other cancer research groups, PaCCSC members and others interested in cancer-related fatigue are welcome to attend.

What is CST?

CST is one of fourteen Cancer Australia-funded Cancer Cooperative Trials Groups (CCTGs) conducting world-class, multi-disciplinary cancer symptom management trials.

Established in 2017, we are building a comprehensive portfolio of clinical trials that will accelerate the improvement of cancer symptom management and quality of life for all people living with cancer.

