Cancer Symptom Trials (CST) was established in 2017 to address the unmet symptom management needs of the growing number of Australians living with cancer. We do this through investigator-initiated or industry-independent academic clinical trials.

Professor Meera Agar
Cancer and its treatments have a significant impact on quality of life. We support a strong and growing network of interdisciplinary researchers who collaborate with key stakeholders and consumers to conduct high-quality clinical trials that aim to:
- find better ways to manage symptoms that occur as a result of a cancer diagnosis or its treatments for people living with and after cancer, and
- evaluate supportive care interventions which aim to improve the quality of life for people with cancer and their carers through prevention, early identification, assessment, and treatment of symptoms.
Diversity and inclusion in cancer clinical trials, regardless of geography, diagnosis, or demographic factors is a high priority for CST. Our research program is proactively seeking ways to make clinical trials more inclusive and to focus on the most troublesome cancer symptoms as research priorities to ensure a better quality of life for all Australians living with cancer.
Our membership includes consumers, health professionals, researchers, and experts from a range of disciplines. Members, including early- and mid-career researchers, are the driving force behind new study ideas for CST. They contribute to proactive concept development and identification of critical challenges to be addressed by clinical trials.
Our active Consumer Advisory Group is integral to informing research priorities for the CST portfolio. Consumer Advisors support researchers from developing a trial idea, its conduct, and interpretation of findings.
You can contribute by becoming a member, joining the Consumer Advisory Group or making a donation to support our research. If you have a new study idea you’d like to discuss with an expert, we’d love to hear from you. Clinical trials really do make a difference to health outcomes and we welcome opportunities to collaborate.
Professor Meera Agar
Chair, Cancer Symptom Trials