A select list of UARC publications is provided below.
UARC researchers publish in a range of outlets, such as peer-reviewed journals and online media, as well as responses to government consultation. Click on the arrows of the sections below to view publications per year.
Australian aged care sector reports
Sutton, N., Ma, N., Yang, J. S., Woods, M., Lin, J. (2024). Australia’s Aged Care Sector: Full-Year Report (2023-24). UTS Ageing Research Collaborative, The University of Technology Sydney.
Sutton, N., Ma, N., Yang, J.S., Woods, M., Tsihlis, E; Brown, D; Debono, D., Ries, N. (2024) Australia’s Aged Care Sector: Mid-Year Report (2023–24). UTS Ageing Research Collaborative, The University of Technology Sydney.
Sutton, N., Ma, N., Yang, J. S., Lewis, R., Brown, D., Woods, M., Tsihlis, E., Lin, J., & Parker, D. (2023). Australia’s Aged Care Sector: Full-Year Report (2022–23). UTS Ageing Research Collaborative, The University of Technology Sydney.
Sutton, N., Ma, N., Yang, J.S., Lewis, R., Woods, M., Ries, N., Parker, D. (2023) Australia’s Aged Care Sector: Mid-Year Report (2022–23). UTS Ageing Research Collaborative, The University of Technology Sydney.
Sutton, N., Ma, N., Yang, J.S., Lewis, R., Brown, D., Woods, M., McEwen, C., Parker, D. (2022). Australia’s Aged Care Sector: Full-Year Report (2021–22). UTS Ageing Research Collaborative, The University of Technology Sydney.
Sutton, N. Ma, N., Yang, J., Lewis, R., McAllister, G., Brown, D., Woods, M. et al. (2022). Australia’s Aged Care Sector: Mid-Year Report (2021-22). UTS Ageing Research Collaborative, University of Technology Sydney.
Find out more about the Australian Aged Care Sector reports.
Industry and government reports and submissions
Malady, L., Sutton, N., Ma, N., Yang, J.S. and Woods, M. (2025) A Submission to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on the Exposure Draft Aged Care Financial and Prudential Standards 2025, UARC, The University of Technology Sydney
Tsihlis, E., Ries, N., Somes, T., Woods, M. (2025). A Submission on the Draft National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older People 2024–34. UARC, The University of Technology Sydney.
Woods, M; Sutton, N. (2024). IHACPA Consultation Paper on the Pricing approach for the Support at Home service list 2025 - 26: UARC response. UARC, The University of Technology Sydney.
Tsihlis, E., Woods, M., Ries, N., Somes, T., Parker, D., Debono, D., Carnemolla, P., Schofield-Georgeson, E. (2024). A New Aged Care Act: A Submission on the Aged Care Bill 2023 Exposure Draft and Consultation Paper No. 2. UARC, The University of Technology Sydney.
Brown, D., McAllister, G., Ma, N., Sutton, N., Parker, D., Woods, M. (2022) Home care in regional and rural Australia: influences on quality and financial outcomes. The University of Technology Sydney.
Lin, J., Ries, N., Somes, T., Sutton, N., Woods, M., Brown, D., & Lewis, R. (2023). A New Model for Regulating Aged Care: A Submission on the Proposed New Regulatory Model Consultation Paper No.2. UARC, The University of Technology Sydney.
Sutton, N., Woods, M., & Debono, D., (2023). IHACPA Consultation Paper on the Pricing Framework for Australian Residential Aged Care Services 2024–25: UARC response. UARC, The University of Technology Sydney.
Tsihlis, E., Lin, J., Woods, M., Sutton, N., Debono, D., Carnemolla, P., Lorber-Kasunic, J., Brown, D., Ries, N., Parker, D. (2023). A New Aged Care Act: A Submission on the Foundations of the New Aged Care Act Consultation Paper No.1. UARC, The University of Technology Sydney.
Woods, M., Ries, N., & Lin, J. (2023). Inspector-General of Aged Care: A Submission on the Exposure Draft of a Bill to Establish the Role of the Inspector General (January 2023). UARC, The University of Technology Sydney.
Woods, M., Sutton, N., & Debono, D. (2023). Aged Care Taskforce consultation about funding principles: UARC response. UARC, The University of Technology Sydney.
Lewis, R., Woods, M., Brown, D., Parker, D., Sutton, N., & McAllister, G. (2022). Support at Home: A Commentary on the design of the proposed unified program. UARC, The University of Technology Sydney.
Woods, M., Lewis, R., Brown, D., Parker, D., Sutton, N., Rawlings-Way, O., Sinclair, D. (2022) Support at Home: Response to the Department of Health and Aged Care Discussion Paper (October 2022). UTS Ageing Research Collaborative, The University of Technology Sydney.
Woods, M., Sutton, N., McAllister, G., Brown, D., & Parker, D. (2022). Sustainability of the Aged Care Sector: Discussion Paper. UTS Ageing Research Collaborative, University of Technology Sydney.
Barber, SL., van Gool, K., Wise, S., Woods, M., Or, Z., Penneau, A., et al. (2021). Pricing long-term care for older persons. Geneva: World Health Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Brown, D., Parker, D., McAllister, G., Sutton, N., Ma, N., Yang , J. S., Rawlings-Way, O., & Lewis, R. (2021). Business models within the aged care sector: Characteristics and outcomes - Executive Summary. Report to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The University of Technology Sydney.
Ma, N., Yang, J. S., Sutton, N., McAllister, G., Parker, D., & Brown, D. (2021). Business model configurations in residential aged care: quality of care and financial outcomes. Report to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The University of Technology Sydney.
McAllister, G., Sutton, N., Lewis, R., Rawlings-Way, O., Parker, D., & Brown, D. (2021). Business models within the aged care sector: A conceptual framework - Report 1. Report to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The University of Technology Sydney.
Sutton, N., Yang, J. S., Ma, N., Parker, D., McAllister, G., & Brown, D. (2021). Business model configurations in home care services: quality of care and financial outcomes. Report to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The University of Technology Sydney.
Wise, S., Woods, M., van Gool, K. (2021). Pricing Long-term Care for Older Persons. Australian Case Study. Geneva: World Health Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Woods, M. & Burgess, Z., (2021). Independent Review of the Hearing Services Program. Report to the Australian Government. The University of Technology Sydney
Brown, D., Ma, N., Yang , J. S., Sutton, N., McAllister, G., Parker, D., Rawlings-Way, O., & Lewis, R. (2020). Workforce profiles in residential aged care: quality of care and financial outcome. Report to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The University of Technology Sydney.
Woods, M., & Corderoy, G., (2020). Impact analysis: alternative arrangements for allocating residential aged care places. Report to Department of Health. The University of Technology Sydney
Media articles
Woods, M. & Tsihlis, E. (2024). Changes are coming for Australia’s aged care system. Here’s what we know so far. The Conversation, 6 February.
Woods, M. & Sutton, N. (2024). Most aged care homes are falling short of minimum care standards – new report. The Conversation, 28 June.
Woods, M. & Sutton, N. (2024). Rural Australia delivers quality aged care, despite many homes doing it tough. The Conversation, 6 August.
Woods, M. & Sutton, N. (2024). The government has a new plan for residential aged care. Here’s what’s changing. The Conversation, 12 September.
Woods, M. (2023). Aged-care funding reforms must ensure users pay their fair share. The Conversation, 8 August.
Sutton, N. (2023). Money’s tight for young people. Adding a Medicare-style levy to everyone’s tax bill is the wrong way to increase aged-care funding. The Conversation, August 9.
Lewis, R., & Woods, M. (2022). Cash splash for aged care, but who pays for services in a new home care system? The Policymaker. 31 October.
Ma., N. & Brown, D. (2022). Aged care workforce shortages require action from the Jobs Summit & resourcing for high quality care. The Policymaker. 5 September.
Sutton, N., & Ma, N. (2022). ‘Fixing the aged care crisis’ won’t be easy, with just 5% of nursing homes above next year’s mandatory staffing targets. The Conversation, 8 June.
Sutton, N., Parker, D., & McAllister, G. (2022). ‘Respite care’ can give carers a much-needed break, but many find accessing it difficult. The Conversation, 18 July.
Woods, M., & Sutton, N. (2022,). More funds for aged care won’t make it future-proof. 4 key strategies for sustainable growth. The Conversation, 17 June.
Sutton, N., Parker, D., & Ma, N. (2021). Only 3.8% of aged care homes would meet new mandatory minimum staffing standards: new research. The Conversation, October 5.
Conference papers and presentations
Sutton, N. 2023). Exploring regional disparities in aged care home financial outcomes: Early insights under AN-ACC. IHACPA Conference 2023, Sydney, 10 August.
Ma, N. (2023). Economies of scale in residential aged care. IHACPA Conference 2023, Sydney, 10 August.
Taylor, M., McEwen C., Rawlins-Wray, O. (2023). Rethinking Public Relations Engagement: Recognizing Roles for Dissensus in Public Inquiries. Presented at the 73rd Annual ICA Conference, Toronto, 28 May.
Brown, D. (2022). Quality of care and financial outcomes of home care providers in regional, rural and remote Australia. Presented at The ACCPA National Conference, Adelaide, 12-14 October.
Parker, D. (2022, 23/25/11/2022). Intergenerational Programs with Older Adults and Preschool Children in Shared Site Contexts: A Scoping Review. Presented at the AAG Conference, Adelaide.
Sutton, N. (2022). The corporatisation of Australian residential aged care. Presented at The ACCPA National Conference, Adelaide, 12-14 October.
Woods, M. (2022). The Financial Performance of the Sector and its Sustainability. Presented at The ACCPA National Conference, Adelaide, 12-14 October.
McAllister, G., Sutton, N., Brown, D., Rawlings-Way, O., & Harrison, B. (2020, 27/11/2020). Using Public Inquiries as a Data Source for Accounting Research. Monforma, Adelaide.
Academic papers
McAllister, G., Sutton, N. C., Brown, D. A., Parker, D., Lewis, R., Rawlings-Way, O., Lin, J., & Harrison, B. (2023). Using Public Inquiries as a Data Source for Accounting Research: A Systematic Review. European Accounting Review, 1-27.
Ries, N., Johnston, B., Jeon, Y. H., Mansfield, E., Nay, R., Parker, D., ... & Sinclair, C. (2022). Advance planning for research participation: Time to translate this innovation into practice. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 42(1), 225-233 .
Simonetti, S., Parker, D., Mack, H. A., & Wise, S. (2023). Managers' experiences of providing end‐of‐life care under the Home Care Package Program. Australasian Journal on Ageing. First published 23/2/23
Brown, D. A., Ma, N., Yang, J. S., Sutton, N., McAllister, G., Parker, D., Rawlings-Way, O. & Lewis, R. L. (2022). The impact of business model workforce configurations on value creation and value appropriation in the Australian aged care sector. Australian Journal of Management. [Ahead of print].
Bryant, J., Freund, M., Ries, N., Garvey, G., McGhie, A., Zucca, A., ... & Sanson-Fisher, R. (2022). Volume, scope, and consideration of ethical issues in Indigenous cognitive impairment and dementia research: A systematic scoping review of studies published between 2000-2021. Dementia, 21(8), 2647-2676.
Chen, L., Debono, D., & Hemsley, B. (2021). A Scoping Review of Research on Food Design Interventions to Improve Nutrition in Adults: A Focus on Food Shaping with Implications for Older Adults with Swallowing Disorders. OSF Preprints, Health and Plac.
Chen, L., Debono, D., & Hemsley, B. (2022). A bite closer: Using 3D food printing to achieve Sustainable Development Goals 2, 3, 9 and 17. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-4.
Hosie, A., Kochovska, S., Ries, N., Gilmore, I., Parker, D., Sinclair, C., ... & Agar, M. R. (2022). Older persons’ and their caregivers’ perspectives and experiences of research participation with impaired decision-making capacity: a scoping review. The Gerontologist, 62(2), e112-e122.
Ma, N., Sutton, N., Yang, J. S., Rawlings‐Way, O., Brown, D., McAllister, G., ... & Lewis, R. (2022). The quality effects of agency staffing in residential aged care. Australasian Journal on Ageing. [Ahead of print].
Rayner, J. A., Fetherstonhaugh, D., Beattie, E., Harrington, A., Jeon, Y. H., Moyle, W., & Parker, D. (2023). “Oh, older people, it's boring”: Nurse academics’ reflections on the challenges in teaching older person's care in Australian undergraduate nursing curricula. Collegian, 30(1), 141-146.
Reddacliff, C., Hemsley, B., Smith, R., Dalton, S., Jones, S., Fitzpatrick, A., ... & Balandin, S. (2022). Examining the content and outcomes of training in dysphagia and mealtime management: A systematic review informing co-design of new training. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31(3), 1535-1552.
Ries, N. M., & Mansfield, E. (2022). Supported Decision-Making: A Good Idea in Principle but We Need to Consider Supporting Decisions about Voluntary Assisted Dying. Voluntary Assisted Dying, 49.
Ries, N. M. (2022). Enduring powers of attorney and financial exploitation of older people: A conceptual analysis and strategies for prevention. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 34(3), 357-374.
Salis, Z., Gallego, B., Nguyen, T. V., & Sainsbury, A. (2022). Decrease in body mass index is associated with reduced incidence and progression of the structural defects of knee osteoarthritis: a prospective multi‐cohort study. Arthritis & Rheumatology.
Somes, T., & Webb, E. (2022). Lack of Security of Tenure Amongst the Ageing Population. In Graham, N., Davies, M., & Godden, L. (Eds.). (2022). The Routledge Handbook of Property, Law and Society. Taylor & Francis.
Sutton, N. (2022, 01/06/2022). Building a sustainable age services industry: Addressing viability problem is key to high performance and quality care. Fusion: The voice of aged care, 11.
Sutton, N., Ma, N., Yang, J. S., Rawlings-Way, O., Brown, D., McAllister, G., Parker, D. & Lewis, R. (2021). Considering the new minimum staffing standards for Australian residential aged care. Australian Health Review.
Tran, T., Ho-Le, T., Bliuc, D., Abrahamsen, B., Hansen, L., Vestergaard, P., ... & Nguyen, T. V. (2022). 'Skeletal Age' for mapping the impact of fracture on mortality. medRxiv, 2022-09.
Visser, M., Smaling, H. J., Parker, D., & Van Der Steen, J. T. (2022). How Do We Talk With People Living With Dementia About Future Care: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
Carnemolla, P., Debono, D., Hourihan, F., Hor, S., Robertson, H., & Travaglia, J. (2021). The influence of the built environment in enacting a household model of residential aged care for people living with a mental health condition: A qualitative post-occupancy evaluation. Health & Place, 71, 102624.
Ho-Le, T. P., Tran, T. S., Bliuc, D., Pham, H. M., Frost, S. A., Center, J. R., ... & Nguyen, T. V. (2021). Epidemiological transition to mortality and refracture following an initial fracture. Elife, 10, e61142.
Iuliano S, Poon S, Robbins J, Wang X, Sones A, van Loan M, Rejmark LM, de Grotte L, Nguyen T, Seeman E (2021). Dietary Sources of Calcium and Protein And Hip Fractures and Falls in Institutionalised Older Adults: a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial. British Medical Journal, 375:n2364.
Ludlow, K., Westbrook, J., Jorgensen, M., Lind, K. E., Baysari, M. T., Gray, L. C., ... & Haddock, R. (2021). Co-designing a dashboard of predictive analytics and decision support to drive care quality and client outcomes in aged care: a mixed-method study protocol. BMJ open, 11(8), e048657.
Parker, D., Hudson, P., Tieman, J., Thomas, K., Saward, D., & Ivynian, S. (2021). Evaluation of an online toolkit for carers of people with a life-limiting illness at the end-of-life: health professionals’ perspectives. Australian journal of primary health, 27(6), 473-478.
Somes, T., & Webb, E. (2021). What role for caveats in protecting an older persons interests under a failed family accommodation arrangement?. Australian Property Law Journal, 29(3), 352-368.
Sutton, N. (2021, 24/05/2021). Funding boost for home care won't solve structural problems. Aged care insite.
Sutton, N., & Brown, D. (2021, 13/05/2021). Budget 2021: Residential aged care set for massive shakeup. UTS Newsroom.
Sutton, N., Ma, N., Yang, J. S., Rawlings-Way, O., Brown, D., McAllister, G., Parker, D., & Lewis, R. (2021). Considering the new minimum staffing standards for Australian residential aged care. Australian Health Review.
Woods, M., & Corderoy, G. (2021). Improving consumer-centred aged care: addressing issues of sustainability, service integration and market incentives. Australian Economic Review, 54 (2), 266-274.
Carnemolla, P., & Bridge, C. (2020). A scoping review of home modification interventions–Mapping the evidence base. Indoor and Built Environment, 29(3), 299-310.
Ries, N. M., & Mansfield, E. (2020). Action on elder abuse: A New South Wales pilot project on the role of legal and health practitioners in elder abuse screening, response and prevention. The University of New South Wales Law Journal, 43(2), 738-761.
Somes, T. (2019). Identifying vulnerability: the argument for law reform for failed family accommodation arrangements. Elder L. Rev., 12, 1.
Tran, T., Bliuc, D., Pham, H. M., van Geel, T., Adachi, J. D., Berger, C., ... & CaMos Research Group. (2020). A risk assessment tool for predicting fragility fractures and mortality in the elderly. Journal of bone and mineral research, 35(10), 1923-1934.