The UTS Ageing Research Collaborative integrates partnerships with practice in producing research and coordinating multiple areas of expertise to address the key challenges in ageing and aged care, and working to resolve them.
The team
UARC’s research is led by research theme leads, researchers from across UTS faculties and schools and affiliates. Meet the team
It is also supported by an advisory group and industry and government partners.
The vision
To enable healthy ageing population and an aged-care sector that is sustainable in terms of its fiscal, financial, workforce and social dimensions, we must first find solutions to the complex problems that characterise the social practices and the sector.
We conceptualise aged care as a healthcare and social support system that delivers subsidised and regulated services to senior citizens in need. These services need to support the quality of life as well as the quality of care.
We use the Commonwealth of Australia’s definition of ageing of people 65 and over (and 50 and over for people who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander).
Translational and transdisciplinary research
UARC engages in collaborative and translational research that addresses complex problems in ageing policy and practice.
The translation of the results of research into practice is often referred to as ‘bench to bedside’ and forms the basis of ‘evidence-informed practice’.
Our work combines and synthesises theories, concepts and methods from different disciplines to form a new approach for research. It reflects the following characteristics.

Explicitly oriented to solving complex and wicked problems.

Disciplines, frameworks, theories, methods and findings are integrated into a whole that is more than the sum of the parts. It transcends and integrates human as well as natural systems.

The integration of researchers from multiple disciplines, as well as practitioners, industry, government and users.

Knowledge is co-produced between the collaborating stakeholders from problem formation to solution and implementation.

The focus of research is to produce knowledge that is oriented toward social justice.
UARC works collaboratively with academics, and professional, industry and policy experts to undertake translational research that tackles the complex problems in aged care.