Transport infrastructure
Shashika Atapattu PhD Application of Biodegradable Vertical Drains under Vacuum Pressure and Cyclic Loading
Lakshmi Nair PhD The use of PVD's to alleviate undrained instability of soft soil subgrade under railway loading
Ramesh Gedela PhD Dynamic behaviour of biocemented subgrade soils under heavy haul train loading
Courage Dzaklo PhD Application of Natural and/or Stabilized Breeza Expansive Soil as Sub-Structural Fills for Railway Foundations
Shay Haq PhD Internal instability of granular compacted capping layers in railways
Senura Athurliya PhD Biological and Geochemical Clogging of Piezometers in Low-lying Acid Sulphate Soils
Marlisio Oliveira Cecilio Junior PhD Shear behaviour of infilled saturated rock joints subjected to dynamic cyclic loads from railway tunnels
Joseph Arivalagan PhD Track substructure inclusions for reducing the risk of mud pumping in heavy haul tracks
Shima Zameni PhD Modelling of the clogging of Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) in acidic terrain
Anees Raja Siddiqui PhD Application of Used Conveyor Belts and Their Derivatives for Improved Performance of Rail Tracks
Muhammad Babar Sajjad PhD Modelling Transition Zones And Optimal Design Adjoining Tunnels And Bridges
Chuhao Liu PhD Performance of stabilised ballast in Rail Tracks
Isabella Novais Silva PhD Effect of loading frequency on undrained instability of soft soils
Marcio Medeiros PhD Particle-geogrid contact under dynamic track conditions using large-scale testing and DEM modelling
A Riyad PhD Performance of Energy-absorbing Granular Columns in Tandem with Energy-absorbing Capping Layer for Heavy Haul Cyclic Loading.
Thi Doan PhD The Use of PVDs to Alleviate Undrained Instability of Soft Soil Subgrade Under Railway Loading
Soumyaranjan Mishra PhD Application of Waste OTR Tyres in Enhancing Lateral Stability of Railway Tracks
Data analytics
Yixuan Zhang PhD Train network performance prediction
Boyu Li PhD Graph attention networks for traffic forecasting
Chathuri Madhusanka Kalappu Arachchige PhD
Traffic optimisation
Mr Bing Zhang PhD Structural damage detection of bridges via vehicle-bridge interaction
Ms Jiajia Hao PhD Damage identification of bolted spherical joint connection in space structure based on active sensing technique
Mr. Saeid Talaei PhD Data-driven bridge condition assessment using sparse coding based deep learning
Mr. Mingzhe Gao PhD Data-driven structural health monitoring using wireless sensor network
Mathew Hounsell PhD A customer centric framework for empirically driven corridor improvement strategies that use big data to increase the market share for sustainable transport
Mina Ghanbarikarekani PhD Optimising Traffic Operations at Signalised Intersections via Transit Signal Priority
Phuong Tran Masters EGP Evolution of land use and transport infrastructure: A case study of Wolli Creek and surrounds
Mousumy Akter Masters EGP Comparison of freight transport network of the European Union and Bangladesh
Jarred Van Kampen Capstone The history of value capture in civil infrastructure
Patrick King Capstone Future proofing Sydney’s industrial developments. Incorporating emerging technologies into functional warehouse layouts.
Ryan Lane Capstone Value captre in the development of civil sports infrastructure
Cooper Morrison Capstone Pedestrian mobility and safety at intersections
Jay Kelly Capstone An alternative approach to the implementation of High Speed Rail in Australia
Shoaib Rezwan Adon Capstone Accident prevention utilising roundabouts: Crash data comparison between urban and regional areas of New South Wales
Jasmine Sinclair Capstone Crowdsourced data approaches to measuring travel time reliability
Andrew Chen Capstone Developing effective multi-modal urban transport systems: behavioural analysis
Nafisa Nishandar Capstone Shared spaces: enhancing place making and traffic conditions in our communities
Deepan Ravichandar Capstone Evaluating the impact of expenditure on Sydney's transport infrastructure
Luke Castaldi Capstone Analysing the impact of emotions on driving
Hamza Mohamed Capstone Roundabout design and regulations to improve pedestrian safety
George Haramis Capstone Autonomous Vehicle strategic planning: Road infrastructure modifications and implications
Michael Bourke Capstone The White Triangle: A path towards efficient and integrated light rail systems
Dion Lin Capstone The optimisation of bidirectional charging in electric vehicles as an efficient solution towards a sustainable electricity grid
Physical modelling
Babar Sajjad PhD Modelling transition zones and optimal design adjoining Tunnels and Bridges
Ameyu Tucho PhD Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of Railroad Subjected to Moving Train
Fatima Mehmood PhD Use of waste rubber tyres with compacted infill materials to minimize railway track degradation
Soumyaranjan Mishra PhD Application of Waste OTR Tyres in Enhancing Lateral Stability of Railway Tracks
Transport economics