Creating innovative engineering solutions and products to provide solutions to major transport challenges that can enhance the performance and extend longevity of transport infrastructure.
Solutions to major transport challenges
There are five key research themes under the TRC’s research domain, as listed below. The centre’s key aim is to develop and enhance communications and corporations among these research themes. This will help to address future challenges and technological requirement from the transport assets and facilitate construction, manufacturing, monitoring, maintenance and management for transport infrastructure.
Geotechnics of Transport Infrastructure - design, construction and materials
Meeting modern transportation requirements such as interconnectivity, reliability, safety and resilience of infrastructure
Data analytics, predictive maintenance and decision support systems
Smart integrated AI assistive technologies and decision support tools to manage increasing population growth and urban sprawl.
Traffic optimisation and tactical measures, stability and health monitoring
Adaptive, integrated reliable and optimised multi-modal transportation infrastructure networks that are cost-effective to manage.
Physical modelling, reliability analysis and computational advances
The next frontier of digital transportation engineering will be merging the cyber and physical world.
Transport economics, planning and service engineering
Efficient and optimised transportation networks based around a 'customer service paradigm' are essential for economic prosperity.
Next generation noise and vibration engineering, measurement and sensor technologies
Techniques and technologies in dynamics, acoustics, vibration and control engineering specific to transport challenges.