Lab located at UTS Tower building 1, level 2, room 082 (CB01.02.082) - image supplied
Associated industry partners:
Transport for NSW, Sydney Water, Meat and Lifestock Australia, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Junglefy, city of Sydney Council
The UTS:RI Infrastructure Robotics Lab is where state of the art robotics research and development for the inspection and maintenance of civil structures takes place.
The goal of the research in Infrastructure Lab is to reduce the risk to workers by taking them out of hazardous environments and allowing them to remotely collect data and perform maintenance remotely.
Collaborating with industry partners both locally and internationally, UTS:RI has produced a long list of robotic workers designed to endure harsh conditions such as the dusty and claustrophobic interiors of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the corrosive waters of Sydney’s water distribution systems and the high altitudes of Japan’s power transmission towers.
Replicas of the civil structures are constructed in the Infrastructure Lab so that research and development on the robot’s sensors, control algorithms and data processing can continue whilst our industry partners deploy our robots in the field, creating a virtuous cycle.
The Infrastructure Robotics Lab also houses a 45kL water tank which is used in the development and deployment of floating and underwater robots. As the largest water tank in the university, it also sees use from other research centers from the university as well as the Faculty of Engineering and IT in undergraduate coursework.