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Our research

Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence are making new forms of teamwork - with automation, human-robot collaboration and machine-to-machine collaboration - the new frontier in the workforce of tomorrow.

Our research themes


    At the UTS Robotics Institute, we undertake innovative and challenging research in robotics across four core focus research themes.

  • Sensing, perception and estimation 

    Using artificial intelligence and sensing technologies to move robots through complex and uncertain environments.

    Photo of robot picking fruit
  • Robotic systems

    Building complex robotic systems including biologically inspired robots, underwater robots, drones and soft-gripping robots.

    Sewer robot
  • Control, planning and coordination

    Controlling robots with trajectory and path planning, multi robot coordination, and long term operation.

    Robot in pipe
  • Human-robot interaction

    Collaborating between people and robots including intention and behaviours, mission objective setting, physical interactions, and brain-robot interaction. 

    collaborative robot
Photo of intelligent robot

Our research labs

UTS Robotics Institute has four lab facilities showcasing our depth of resources and skillsets to work on fundamental and applied research around infrastructure, intelligent robots and human-robot interaction.

Our research outputs


Since 2006, the UTS Robotics Insitute has delivered more than 140 research projects on a wide range of fundamental and applied research problems.


Search the database of hundreds of journal articles, book chapters, conference papers and more by UTS Robotics Institute researchers.