ARC Linkage Project bringing Indigenous repatriation resources together into a unique online resource.
Indigenous communities and an international team of researchers aim to build a unique digital facility that will support the repatriation of Indigenous human remains and scholarship on this issue. Repatriation is an extraordinary Indigenous achievement which has been the single most important agent of change in the relationship between Indigenous peoples, museums and the academy over the past 40 years. Successful repatriation requires, and produces, research materials diverse in type, geography and accessibility. Within an Indigenous data-governance framework ‘Restoring Dignity‘ builds on LP130100131 to gather, preserve and make appropriately accessible a critical and extensive record of repatriation information that exists worldwide.
Lead: Australian National University, Associate Professor Cressida Fforde
UTS CIs: Professor Daryle Rigney, Associate Professor Steve Hemming
Eligible and Partner Organisations: University of Technology Sydney; University of Melbourne; University of Tasmania; National Museum of Australia; University of Otago, NZ Association on American Indian Affairs; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; University of Cologne, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies; Kimberly Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre Aboriginal Corporation, Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority Inc, Gur A Baradharaw Kod Torres Strait Sea and Land Council Torres Strait Islander Corporation; and Department of Communications.
Project completion: 31 December 2019