ARC research project titled Heritage and Reconciliation led by the Australian National University
Project Description
This project aims to re-conceptualise heritage from a standpoint of reconciliation. In doing so, it will generate new understandings about how heritage and its management can contribute to reconciliation processes. The project will combine Aboriginal, Maori and Western intellectual traditions in order to advance theoretical understandings of heritage and to examine its reconstructive power. It will produce models for practical implementation, including new conservation and management protocols. The project's investigation of a new approach to heritage has the potential for profound social benefit.
Project Funder
Australian Research Council Discovery Project
Project Partners
The project brings together researchers with expertise in heritage studies, peace studies, transitional justice, Indigenous studies, memory work and memorialisation. It extends interdisciplinarity beyond the Western academy and combines knowledge from Aboriginal, Maori and Western intellectual traditions. It draws on methods from history, heritage and peace studies. Project partners are:
- Australian National University (Administering organisation): Associate Professor Cressida Fforde and Professor Laurajane Smith (lead CIs); Dr Lia Kent (PI)
- University of Technology Sydney: Professor Daryle Rigney and Associate Professor Steve Hemming (CIs)
- The University of Melbourne: Professor Paul Tapsell (CI)
- Newcastle University, Tyne UK: Professor Peter Stone (PI)
- University of Otaga: Professor Merata Kawharu (PI)