Selected current research projects
Resolving the threat of ocean deoxygenation to coral resilience (opens external link); ARC Discovery Project.
Coral Nurture Program; Great Barrier Reef Foundation.
A reef reborn (opens external link); Pure Oceans Foundation
Elemental diagnostics of coral resilience to future reef climates; Dr Emma Camp, DECRA Fellowship.
Coral health in future climates: Diagnosing tipping points under accelerating coastal hypoxia; ARC Discovery Project.
Molecular cartography of coral-symbiotic algae in 3D; Dr Matthew Nitschke, Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Microbial metabolic networks: the hidden key to resilience of coral algal endosymbionts; Dr Jennifer Matthews Human Frontier Science Program Fellowship.
Reef Breath Testing (RBT): exhaled volatile-gas biomarkers of coral health; ARC Discovery Project.
View selected C3 projects by year
Selected recent publications
Howlett L, Camp EF, Edmondson J, Edmondson J, Agius T, Hosp R, Coulthard P, Edmondson S, Suggett DJ. Adoption of coral propagation and out-planting via the tourism industry to advance site stewardship on the northern Great Barrier Reef. Ocean & Coastal Management. 2022 Jun 15;225:106199.
Camp EF, Nitschke MR, Clases D, Gonzalez de Vega R, Reich HG, Goyen S, Suggett DJ. Micronutrient content drives elementome variability amongst the Symbiodiniaceae. BMC Plant Biology. 2022 Apr 9;22(1):184.
Camp EF. Contingency planning for coral reefs in the Anthropocene; The potential of reef safe havens. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences. 2022 Feb 28;6(1):107-24.
Matthews J, Raina JB, Seymour JR, van Oppen MJH, Suggett DJ. 2020. Missing links: rethinking metabolite exchange in reef-building corals as multi-partner metabolic network. Environmental Microbiology 22: 1675-1687.
Hughes DJ, Alderdice R, Cooney C, Kuhl M, Pernice M, Voolstra CR, Suggett DJ. 2020. Coral reef survival under accelerating ocean deoxygenation Nature Climate Change 10: 296–307.
Camp EF, Suggett DJ, Pogoreutz C, Nitschke MR, Houlbreque F, Hume BCC, Gardner SG, Zampighi M, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Voolstra CR. 2020. Corals exhibit distinct patterns of microbial reorganisation to thrive under extreme environments.