Research projects and publications from Algal Biosystems and Biotechnology team members.
Commault, AS, Kuzhiumparambil, U, Herdean, A, Fabris, M, Jaramillo-Madrid, AC, Abbriano, RM, Ralph, PJ & Pernice, M 2021, 'Methyl jasmonate and methyl-β-cyclodextrin individually boost triterpenoid biosynthesis in chlamydomonas reinhardtii uvm4', Pharmaceuticals, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1-12.
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Labeeuw, L, Commault, AS, Kuzhiumparambil, U, Emmerton, B, Nguyen, LN, Nghiem, LD & Ralph, PJ 2021, 'A comprehensive analysis of an effective flocculation method for high quality microalgal biomass harvesting', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 752.
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Leal, E, de Beyer, L, O'Connor, W, Dove, M, Ralph, PJ & Pernice, M 2021, 'Production optimisation of Tisochrysis lutea as a live feed for juvenile Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea glomerata, using large-scale photobioreactors', Aquaculture, vol. 533.
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Sutherland, DL, Burke, J & Ralph, PJ 2021, 'Trade-offs between effluent quality and ammonia volatilisation with CO2 augmented microalgal treatment of anaerobically digested food-waste centrate.', Journal of environmental management, vol. 277, pp. 111398-111398.
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