CHERE is strongly engaged with health policy makers, health care agencies, and clinicians to facilitate the use of research findings in the development of health policy and practice. This involves a range of activities. There are two research programs developed and implemented in partnership with policy makers and practitioners. There are a series of directly commissioned projects. These may produce situations where research will directly influence policy but for the most part the way that research influences policy will be diffuse. One contribution of research to policy is through engaging with policy making, through participation in policy and practice committees. CHERE staff are members of several key Australian policy advisory committees, including the Medical Services Advisory Committee, the Primary Health Care Research, Evaluation and Development (PHCRED) Strategy Advisory Committee as well as being members of boards eg. the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) and the Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network.
Participation in significant policy forums and discussions is another way in which research evidence and skills of analysis are brought to decision making and decision makers. CHERE researchers contribute to the two significant international health policy exchanges: the Commonwealth Fund International Program in Health Policy and Practice Innovations, including the Harkness Fellowship and the Australian-American Health Policy Fellowship (formerly the Packer Fellowship). Other contributions include providing media commentary, and presentations to particular target audiences.
Professor Rosalie Viney
Phone: 61 2 9514 4722
Fax: 61 2 9514 4730