The CFS Drugs and Forensic Toxicology group is running active research programs concerning primarily drugs of abuse in collaboration with world leading experts from both forensic industry and academic organisations.
Our research focuses on three main areas
Forensic Chemistry that concerns the effective identification of drugs of abuse including the new and emerging psychoactive substances seized by law enforcement agencies on the street, at clandestine laboratories or at the border control.
Forensic Toxicology that focuses on the detection and quantification of drugs of abuse and their metabolites in biological matrices such as blood, urine, oral fluid and hair to serve clinical and medico-legal purposes with applications spreading from workplace drug testing, racing and sports drug testing, road-side random drug testing to coronial investigation (cause of death by drugs/poisons).
Clinical Toxicology that aims to understand the mechanisms of harms caused by substance abuse and to develop therapeutic agents for clinical intervention.