Criminalistics is a broad field of forensic science that encompasses a wide range of traces; including paint, fibres, glass, adhesives, inks, soil, dust and gunshot residues. By focusing on these microscopic traces, forensic scientists can establish links between victims, suspects and/or the crime scene in order to assist investigators in determining the sequence of events that lead to the crime occurring. At the Centre for Forensic Science (CFS) we focus specifically on the chemical (inorganic and organic) components of these traces in order to determine the value these microtraces may have. By engaging strongly with forensic science practitioners, international researchers and other universities, CFS has built a strong industry driven research profile in the area of criminalistics.
Our research focusses on:
- The development and validation of new techniques for the analysis of microtraces.
- Increasing our understanding of the value and interpretation of the different microtraces
- Expanding the role of microtraces in forensic science.