UTS’s Hydrogen Energy Program has made a series of discoveries that could revolutionise the storage and transport of hydrogen – a clean energy of the future.
A research partnership between the UTS Climate Change Cluster and v2food is exploring ways that algae can transform the way we eat - and provide solutions to the climate crisis.
An UTS collaboration with Sydney Fish Market is harnessing blockchain technology to help online seafood buyers track the catch through the supply-chain and verify fish origin and freshness.
Australians love their seafood, which makes protecting the safety and sustainability of this resource is a high priority. But a growing problem for seafood producers and public health authorities is an increase in incidents of shellfish poisoning.
Brewing just one six-pack of beer leaves behind a CO2 hangover that takes a tree two days to absorb. But scientists and popular independent beer brand Young Henrys are working together to demonstrate the potential for one of the world’s oldest organisms – algae – to help businesses offset carbon dioxide.