Supervisor registration
Why supervise?
As a supervisor, you will have the privilege of watching your students grow into independent researchers who make a meaningful contribution to knowledge. You will also become part of a community of UTS staff who are committed to developing the next generation of professionals and researchers who can lead our global society.
Types of research supervisors
Types of research supervisors
Supervisor titles
Graduate research supervisors are recognised by the following titles:
- Principal Supervisor: The lead (first) supervisor who takes primary academic responsibility for the graduate research candidate
- Co-Supervisor: A supervisor who contributes to the academic guidance and supervision of a graduate research student, may sometimes act as principal supervisor for administrative matters.
- Assistant supervisor: A salaried professional UTS staff who provides specialist support and advice to the student.
- External supervisor: A non-UTS employee who provides specialist experience and advice to the student.
Supervisor categories
These categories are defined in the Supervisor Register Protocol.
Category | Eligibility | Supervisory Roles |
Category 1 | A research-active UTS academic or holds a UTS honorary appointment or emeritus professorship with a defined responsibility for graduate research supervision and:
| Principal Supervisor or Co-supervisor |
Category 2 | A research-active UTS academic or holds a UTS honorary appointment or emeritus professorship with a defined responsibility for graduate research supervision and:
| Principal Supervisor or Co-supervisor
Category 3 | A UTS professional (non-academic) staff member:
| Assistant Supervisor |
Category 4 | A research-active academic staff at a university or research institute (not an employee of UTS):
| External Supervisor |
Category 5 | A member of a private or public sector, or community organisation (not an employee of UTS):
| External Supervisor |
Supervision panel requirements
Each graduate research student must be overseen by a panel of at least two supervisors. Panels must meet the following requirements:
- Master’s degree supervision panels must have at least one principal supervisor and one co-supervisor. The panel can also include additional co-supervisors and one or more assistant or external supervisors.
- Doctoral degree supervision panels must have at least one principal supervisor and one co-supervisor, at least one of whom is registered as Category 1. The panel can also include co-supervisors and one or more assistant or external supervisors.
How to register
How to register
All graduate research supervisors must be admitted to the Graduate Research School supervisor register before they start supervising students. To register, please complete the following steps:
- Complete either the supervision registration application for UTS staff/honorary appointments, or the supervision registration application for external supervisors and forward it with a full current academic CV to your faculty research office (see contact details below).
- Complete the online mandatory module “Graduate Research Supervision at UTS” within the first six months of seeking registration, and professional development required for your supervision category.
- Registered supervisors are expected to continue developing their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to the satisfaction of the Responsible Academic Officer (RAO) of their faculty. Failure to do so may result in removal from the register.
Initial applications must be recommended by the faculty and approved by the Dean, Graduate Research School. Requests for renewal must have the approval of the faculty.
For information on the expectations and responsibilities for managing research as part of a graduate research program, view the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy.
Registration for Categories 1, 2, and 3 is valid for the duration of the supervisor’s employment at UTS. Registration for Category 4 and 5 will be for a period of five years and may be renewed. GRS is responsible for the renewal of expiring supervision registrations in consultation with your faculty.
Submit your completed application via email
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- UTS Business School
- Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building
- Faculty of Engineering and IT
- Faculty of Health
- Graduate School of Health
- Institute for Sustainable Futures
- Connected Intelligence Centre
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Law
- Institute for Public Policy and Governance
- TD School
Training requirements
Training requirements
To register or renew as a graduate research supervisor at UTS, you will be required to complete the online mandatory module within the first six months after seeking registration:
- Graduate Research Supervision at UTS for internal UTS employees
- Graduate Research Supervision at UTS for external supervisors (coming shortly)
Registered supervisors are expected to continue developing their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to the satisfaction of the Responsible Academic Officer of their faculty. Failure to do so may result in removal from the register.
GRS offers a number of workshops to strengthen supervisors’ knowledge, skills, and tools in best supervisory practices. Your faculty may also offer others.
From registration to active supervision
From registration to active supervision
Once you have been formally registered as a supervisor, your UTS profile page will indicate that you can supervise research students.
This will inform potential students in your research area that you are qualified to supervise. Students may also be able to find you through the UTS Find a Supervisor search tool. However, you are encouraged to also actively recruit qualified students through your networks.
Upon agreeing to a student's expression of interest in being supervised, and as part of the student's application process, you will need to form a supervisory panel in accordance with appropriate levels of expertise by category.