Collection of personal information
An individual's activities or location can be identified through surveillance, either directly or incidentally.
UTS's surveillance practices are regulated by the Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 (NSW) as well as privacy legislation. UTS only uses open and appropriate forms of surveillance (as defined under the Workplace Relations Act), unless approved by a court order.
UTS will only collect personal information via surveillance processes:
- to undertake the purpose of the surveillance activity
- where there is reason to believe a staff member has breached the Code of Conduct, a student has breached the UTS Rules, or an individual has been involved in an illegal activity
- the information is required to investigate or take action in relation to the conduct in question.
UTS will only disclose personal information collected via surveillance processes where it is required or permitted by law.
Types of surveillance at UTS
Email and IT resources
UTS provides access to email and other IT resources (for example, computers and other devices, printers, fax machines, internet, wi-fi) for the purposes of study and work. UTS recognises that some incidental, reasonable and lawful personal use of email and IT resources will occur.
UTS retains the right to access records and monitor use of IT resources, internet use and email in accordance with the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy.
Lockers and desk drawers
UTS provides lockers and drawers primarily for work and study purposes. UTS acknowledges that personal items are sometimes stored in these locations.
UTS reserves the right to open lockers and drawers where access is required for business purposes.
If you use UTS lockers, you should be advised of the conditions of use at the time the locker is hired.
The safety of staff, students and visitors, as well as the protection of property and buildings, requires some areas of the UTS campus to be under constant camera surveillance.
UTS surveillance cameras are monitored on a continuous basis. Surveillance camera recordings are kept for a limited time for the purpose of investigating reported incidents.
Hidden surveillance cameras will not be used unless permitted by a court order.
Also refer Surveillance Policy.
Tracking devices
Staff may be issued with or use devices that record their location at given points in time, such as mobile phones, PDAs, fleet vehicles fitted with GPS and eTags. UTS provides these devices to assist staff in their work-related activities.
Note: In this section on privacy at UTS, the term ‘personal information’ refers to both personal and health information, unless specified otherwise. Both terms are explained in Privacy definitions.