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Enabling a fair energy transition for households, workers and communities.

This area of expertise is concerned with equity and access within the changing energy sector, with a focus on building capacity among new participants. Our work here responds to questions such as: 

  • What are the employment implications of renewable energy and energy efficiency?
  • How can a ‘just transition’ of jobs from fossil fuels to renewables be organised?
  • What skills are required for employment in the renewable energy sector?
  • What role does energy equity and fuel poverty play in an Australian context?
  • How can we better understand stakeholder impacts of energy futures using advanced modelling techniques?

PROJECT | 2024

Three renewable energy workers walking through a solar panel field.

Powering First Nations jobs in clean energy

Empowering First Nations Australians with clean energy careers is essential for a successful and inclusive energy transition.

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PROJECT | 2022

Solar engineer on laptop overlooking wind turbines

Energy efficiency definitions for the Australian Energy Employment Report

The Australian Energy Employment Report survey can measure the energy efficiency workforce and has developed definitions for energy efficiency activities.

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PROJECT | 2022

The Australian Electricity Workforce for the 2022 Integrated System Plan Projections to 2050

The Australian Electricity Workforce for the 2022 Integrated System Plan Projections to 2050

Electricity sector workforce projections for transitioning to a low carbon economy.

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Two men pointing to land in the distance


How can coal workers benefit from a renewables jobs boom?

An ISF study shows that while renewable energy can be a major source of jobs in the next 15 years, the outcomes for coal workers will depend on a clear transition strategy.

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Making a deal to move to renewable energy

NEWS | DEC 2020

Climate change and the just transition: A guide for financial institutions

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Sustainable house day trade show final

PROJECT | 2018-2019

Social Access Solar Gardens

Study shows solar gardens can offer every home access to affordable solar power

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MyTown Microgrid logo

PROJECT | 2020-2023

MyTown Microgrid in Heyfield Victoria

More and more communities are looking to make energy work better for them, spurred by a desire to use their local resources more sustainably for the greater benefit of those who live there.

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PROJECT | 2020

Emergency smart grids

ISF was commissioned by the Victorian Government to find international examples of regions developing knowledge and expertise that would be relevant for an ‘Emergency Smart Grid’ concept. This concept was proposed by a community group (Voices of the Valley) following the extreme impacts of the bushfires on the Gippsland region and addresses energy resiliency, among other issues.


ISF undertook stakeholder mapping, a domestic current state assessment, an international market scan, and deep-dive case studies to determine the competitive advantage that the Gippsland region may have in the field of Emergency Smart Grids and to support the development of a proof-of-concept pilot project.


Client: Latrobe Valley Authority (LVA)

Researchers: Scott Dwyer,  Dani Alexander,  Sarah Niklas

PROJECT | 2019-2020

Renewable Energy Employment in Australia

Australia's rapidly growing renewable energy industry will create thousands of jobs over the next decade. To understand the scale and types of employment, the Clean Energy Council commissioned ISF to undertake the first large-scale survey of the Australian renewable energy industry..


In 2019, ISF conducted an industry-wide survey, taking in the Australian manufacture, installation, operation and supply chains for wind and solar farms, hydro and pumped hydro power, rooftop solar and batteries.


The results were then applied to the scenarios used by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) in its draft Integrated Systems Plan (ISP) to estimate the job creation. Job creation in renewable energy was compared to the coal sector to examine the scope for renewable energy to provide alternative employment.


View the Impact story


Location: Australia

Client: Clean Energy Council (CEC)

Researchers: Chris Briggs,  Jay Rutovitz,  Elsa Dominish,  Kriti Nagrath

PROJECT | 2019

Mapping Energy Efficiency Product Supply-Chains

ISF mapped the supply chain for four types of energy efficiency products:

- Residential Heating and Cooling

- Commercial Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC)

- Smart glazing

- Commercial and Industrial Water Heaters and Boilers


For each of the supply chains, the links, actors and influence was mapped for each of these products. The implications for the Victorian Energy Upgrade program was analysed with recommendations on how to interact with supply chains to increase the uptake of energy efficient products.


Client: Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)

Researchers: Chris Briggs,  Scott Dwyer,  Alan Pears (RMIT),  Dani Alexander,  Fiona Berry

Liddell power station

PROJECT | 2017

Beyond Coal: alternatives to extending the life of Liddell power station

ISF presented three possible scenarios for the future of a coal station, guiding the way for future energy transition.

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High power electricity poles in urban area

PROJECT | 2015-2016

Facilitating Local Network Charges and Local Electricity Trading

Levelling the playing field for local energy, delivering better value for all electricity consumers.

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PROJECT | 2013-2015

National Community Energy Strategy and Congress

The Community Energy Congress was organised by ISF and seven other organisations keenly involved in the community energy sector as an opportunity to assist these pioneering projects with successful models, technical skills and training plus valuable networking with partners, regulators and suppliers. Delegates at the Congress were given the chance to provide input into a draft National Community Energy Strategy.


Led by ISF and based on a significant body of research tapping into 38 projects across Australia, the strategy proposed a series of objectives and priority initiatives to grow the community energy sector and ensure successful models are replicated in communities across Australia.


The Coalition for Community Energy (C4CE) also launched at the Congress. ISF is a founding member of C4CE, which is an umbrella coalition for organisations with a common commitment to proactively collaborating to grow a vibrant community energy sector in Australia.


Client: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)

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t: +61 2 9514 4950

Level 10, UTS Building 10
235 Jones Street
Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

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