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International development

We apply a diverse breadth of technical and social science skills to assist industry, government and the community create change towards sustainable futures through applied research and consultancy.

The Institute for Sustainable Futures is recognised for its research leadership in aid effectiveness and international development to address the global challenges of sustainable and equitable development and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Through research, innovation and partnership we work with government, donors, non-governmental organisations and the private sector to address the complex challenges of international development and aid effectiveness.

Our services include research and analysis; process design and facilitation; policy and technical advice; independent evaluation; innovation in monitoring and evaluation approaches; training and organisational development. We contribute to development practice, policy and theory across three areas: development effectiveness; water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); and climate change adaptation.

Expertise areas

Research news and projects


  • Program Lead - International Development

    Research co-design, participatory research, facilitation and training, monitoring and evaluation.

  • Associate Director Research

    Integrated water resources management, water, sanitation and hygiene in international development, gender equality and inclusion.

  • Professor and Research Director

    Water and sanitation in low- and middle-income contexts, gender equality, governance and accountability, climate change.

  • Research Director

    Water, sanitation and hygiene across the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Research Director

    Rural water supply, water quality and public health.

  • Research Director

    Climate change adaptation, disaster risk management and development in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Senior Research Consultant

    Urban water, sanitation and hygiene monitoring and evaluation, legal and regulatory assessments, fecal sludge management.

  • Research Principal

    Climate change impacts on water, sanitation and hygiene, equitable WASH service delivery, and WASH in Pacific island countries.

  • Senior Research Consultant

    Development effectiveness, gender equality and social inclusion, community economies, climate change adaptation and refugee protection.

  • Senior Research Consultant

    Water, sanitation and hygiene, gender equality and social inclusion, behaviour change.

  • Senior Research Consultant

    Focuses on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in the Asia-Pacific region, and its nexus with climate change and gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI).

  • Research Consultant

    Women and water and sanitation programming in South and Southeast Asia.

  • Research Director

    Systems-based approaches to food and nutrition security.

  • Research Principal

    Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and the circular economy in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Senior Research Consultant
  • Professor and Research Director

    Urban water planning, options analysis related to water supply and demand planning.

  • Research Assistant

    Self-supply water services in urban Indonesia and rural Vanuatu.

  • Mukunda Adhikari
    Mukunda Adhikari
    Research consultant

    Development effectiveness, NGO performance measurement, localisation, donor-NGO relationships.

  • Prakash Paudel
    Prakash Paudel
    Research consultant

    International development, political economy, conflict sensitivity, climate security.

  • Research consultant

    International development, political economy, conflict sensitivity, climate security.

  • Senior Research Consultant

    Disaster resilience, climate change adaptation, gender equality, community-based adaptation.

  • Senior Research Consultant
  • Headshot of Alejandro Medina Valenzuela
    Alejandro Medina Valenzuela
    Research Assistant
  • Research Consultant

    Environmental science and engineering background.

  • Research Assistant

    Climate science and policy, geography, psychology, professional facilitation.

  • Research Consultant

    WASH in rural areas and environmental health risk assessment.

ID Bulletin Banner

The ID Bulletin is a bi-yearly newsletter showcasing the ISF International Development team’s latest news, research in practice, events, achievements and publications.

See past issues:

November 2024 

July 2024

November 2023

July 2023

November 2022 

May 2022

Let's collaborate

Whether you have a problem that needs support or an idea for change, our innovative and solutions-focused approach can help you achieve your goals.

Contact A/Prof Keren Winterford on for more information.

Headshot of Dr. Keren Winterford