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Tackling the significant issues that climate change creates for sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services.

We approach climate change in a holistic manner. 

For our work in this area, we integrate thinking from environmental, social, and engineering disciplines to develop conceptual approaches and practical strategies for robust, equitable, and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services under climate stress and uncertainty.

PROJECT | 2023-2024

Indonesia outside Kupang - people using a third world water tap

Future proofing a basic social service: climate-resilient community-based rural water supply

This project aims to provide innovative tools, capacity, and policy recommendations to improve the climate resilience and inclusiveness of rural water systems in Indonesia, including their related water resources.


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PROJECT | 2023-2025

Man washing his hands

Climate resilient and inclusive WASH systems in Cambodia

The research aims to support CSOs (Civil Society Organisations), water associations and government actors to adapt and implement guidelines related to climate resilient water resources management planning at varied scales in Cambodia (commune, district, catchment).

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PROJECT | 2023-2024

Water station area in thirld world nation


Circular economy approaches can strengthen WASH services while driving climate resilience, inclusion and wider sustainability. CIRCLE WASH is a two-year research project contributing new thinking and case study insights about the potential of circular economy ideas for water and sanitation service systems.


Client: GHD - DFAT Water for Women Fund


Researchers: Avni Kumar, Jeremy Kohlitz, Juliet Willetts, Naomi Carrard, Monique Retamal

PROJECT | 2023-2024

People standing around a man made water area in third world nation.

Towards Inclusive Climate Resilient WASH in Bhutan, Laos and Nepal

UTS-ISF is partnering with SNV to strengthen the climate resilience of WASH services in Bhutan, Lao PDR, and Nepal. The project involves strengthening government leadership on WASH and climate action, developing rural water management models for climate resilience, exploring household coping mechanisms, estimating GHG emissions from sanitation, and optimising sanitation supply chains.


Location: Bhutan, Nepal, Lao PDR

Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz, Juliet Willetts, Naomi Carrard, Avni Kumar, Diana Gonzalez Botero

PROJECT | 2023-2024

UNICEF worker explaining a diagram on whiteboard

UNICEF EAPRO partnership

UTS-ISF is working with UNICEF EAPRO regional and country offices to strengthen their WASH programming related to assessing climate risks, monitoring climate resilience and on other fronts. 


Location: Asia-Pacific region

Client: UNICEF

Researchers: Jeremy KohlitzJuliet Willetts, David Rodgers, Melita Grant, Anna Gero

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PROJECT | 2023-2024

Resilience in a Changing Climate: Advancing Research on Groundwater for Equity (RECHARGE)

The RECHARGE project explores how to achieve safely managed, climate resilient water services in urban areas of Indonesia and Vietnam, where household use of groundwater is prevalent but water quality issues are of concern.

In Indonesia this includes a focus on the relative risks in different cities, depending on groundwater depth, type of water and sanitation services, land-use and other factors. It also includes examining the extent of contamination from onsite sanitation systems and relationship to rainfall, as well as behaviour change approaches to shift from self-supplied groundwater to piped water services.

In Vietnam the project has a strong emphasis on social inclusion and climate resilience in groundwater access. It explores the role of groundwater as a primary source of drinking water in Soc Trang and Tra Vinh provinces. The research investigates household experiences of groundwater access and use, climate change impacts, and how water service providers and governments are grappling with the complexity and uncertainty of managing groundwater-based water services that are inclusive and climate resilient. 


Client: Water for Women funded by the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

Partners: Universitas Indonesia, University of the South Pacific, Can Tho University

Researcher: Juliet Willetts, Diana Gonzalez Botero, Naomi Carrard, Tim Foster, Jeremy Kohlitz, Avni Kumar

PROJECT | 2022

Enviromental Indicators Climate Risks to Inclusive WASH report screenshot

Water for Women Climate Change Learning Agenda

UTS-ISF is collaborating with the International WaterCentre, WaterAid, SNV, IRC, RTI International and Plan International to produce learning materials and events on four topics related to climate change and WASH:


  1. Assessing climate risk, vulnerability and resilience
  2. Monitoring climate risks to WASH services
  3. Nature-based solutions for climate resilient WASH
  4. Climate financing for WASH

Location: Asia-Pacific region

Clients: GHD, DFAT

Partners: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, International Water Centre, WaterAid, International Rescue Committee, RTI International, Plan International 

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz, Juliet Willetts


Environmental Indicators Climate Risks to Inclusive WASH (2023) (Report)

Knowledge and Practice Gaps in Climate Resilient Inclusive WASH (2022) (Report)

Summary of climate risk, vulnerability and resilience assessment tools related to WASH (2023) (Summary) (Authored by: IWC)

Climate Finance for WASH: Pacific Region (2023) (Brief) (Authored by: WaterAid)

Climate Finance for WASH: Cambodia (2023) (Brief) (Authored by: WaterAid)

Climate Finance for WASH: India (2023) (Brief) (Authored by: WaterAid)

Climate Finance for WASH: Indonesia (2023) (Brief) (Authored by: WaterAid)

Climate Finance for WASH: Pakistan (2023) (Brief) (Authored by: WaterAid)

Climate Finance for WASH: Papua New Guinea (2023) (Brief) (Authored by: WaterAid)

Indonesian wooden houses on water

PROJECT | 2021-2023

Climate resilient urban sanitation

Equipping the urban sanitation sector with tools and knowledge for building climate resilience.

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PROJECT | 2021-2022

Online course on climate resilient and inclusive WASH diagram

Online course on climate resilient and inclusive WASH

UTS-ISF developed a free, self-paced online course for WASH professionals and students to learn about climate resilient and inclusive WASH. The course covers key concepts and theories, tools, and case studies relating to various dimensions of climate resilience and inclusion for WASH.


Location: Asia-Pacific region

Client: GHD - DFAT Water for Women Fund

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz, Juliet Willetts, Tamara Megaw

PROJECT | 2021-2022

Sanitation community area

Rural sanitation and climate change case studies

UTS-ISF and the Sanitation Learning Hub are producing a series of case studies that document how considerations of climate risk can be integrated into CLTS using the SNV Laos program as a case study, and how climate variability and extreme events affect rural sanitation in communities in Bangladesh and Burkina Faso.


Location: Lao PDR, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso

Client: Institute for Development Studies

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz, Juliet Willetts, Avni Kumar

PROJECT | 2021-2022

Sorting board diagram

Inspiring local government heroes of climate action for inclusive WASH

UTS-ISF and SNV used the Q-methodology to understand the motivators and constraints of local governments in Lao PDR and Nepal to tackle climate change issues in the rural WASH sector. Findings were used to trigger local government to integrate climate action into their WASH work through providing tailored support to motivated local government authorities.


Location: Lao PDR, Nepal

Clients: GHD, DFAT

Partner: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz,  Avni Kumar,  Anna Gero,  Juliet Willetts


Image of WASH report

PROJECT | 2021

Learnings from the Water for Women Fund partners on climate change and inclusive WASH

UTS-ISF led an initiative with Water for Women Fund partners to synthesise their project learnings on climate change and inclusive WASH to share with the global WASH sector. The project produced a vignette report containing Fund partners’ experiences with and recommendations for addressing climate-related issues.


Location: Asia-Pacific region

Clients: GHD, DFAT

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz,  Anna Gero


PROJECT | 2020-2023

image of rural sanitation hut

Climate change and sanitation: assessing resilience and emissions (SCARE)

The SCARE project seeks to develop our understanding of two inter-related and critical areas of WASH services related to climate change: the emission of greenhouse gases, particularly from onsite sanitation systems; and improving our understanding of what makes sanitation services resilient of climate change. Understanding both these issues is important to understand and make choices in trade-offs between reducing emissions and developing resilient and sustainable services that protect public health.


Location: Nepal, Ethiopia, Uganda, Senegal

Client: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Partners: Bristol University, University of Leeds, Kathmandu University, Haramaya University, Kyambogo University, Global Green Growth Institute

Researchers: Freya Mills, Juliet Willetts, Jeremy Kohlitz, Jay Falletta

Rural sanitation and climate change: Putting ideas into practice cover

PROJECT | 2020-2022

Rural sanitation and climate change: Putting ideas into practice

UTS-ISF and the Sanitation Learning Hub partnered to provide guidance on how communities can be supported to understand impacts of climate change on rural sanitation and what can be done to support climate resilient rural sanitation. A Frontiers of Sanitation issue outlines actionable ideas for addressing climate change in rural sanitation programming that are being tested in Lao PDR, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso.


Location: Lao PDR, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso

Client: Institute of Development Studies

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz,  Avni Kumar,  Juliet Willetts

Toilet over water in Indonesia

PROJECT | 2020-2021

Urban sanitation climate resilience in Indonesia

UNICEF commissioned UTS-ISF and Universitas Indonesia to carry out a study in four cities to examine how climate change is likely to affect urban sanitation services. This study explored how communities, sanitation service providers and government agencies can be better prepared to respond and adapt. The research produced a synthesis report of learnings and recommendations, a technical brief and academic journal articles.


Location: Indonesia

Client: UNICEF

Partner: Universitas Indonesia

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz,  Freya Mills,  Juliet Willetts

People in a room holding pieces of paper

PROJECT | 2018-2022

Beyond the Finish Line: Supporting local governments to strengthen climate resilient rural WASH

UTS-ISF is working with SNV in Lao PDR and Nepal to better understand and respond to impacts of climate change on sustainable rural WASH. In Lao PDR, UTS-ISF and SNV are training local government authorities on understanding and assessing climate impacts on rural sanitation in Savannakhet Province. In Nepal, UTS-ISF and SNV are training local governments to in Sarlahi and Dailekh districts to account for climate risks in their rural water development work.


Location: Nepal, Lao PDR

Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz,  Anna Gero

Considering climate change in urban sanitation report image

PROJECT | 2019

Climate change and urban sanitation: conceptual approaches and practical application

New lines of thinking are needed to ensure urban sanitation services are sustained equitably against climate change.


UTS-ISF and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation's research and learning partnership examined how climate change impacts urban sanitation, drawing on analyses in five countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Tanzania and Zambia.


Location: Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Zambia, Tanzania

Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Researchers: Freya Mills,  Jeremy Kohlitz,  Juliet Willetts,  Naomi Carrard

Cover of discussion paper on climate, sanitation and health

PROJECT | 2019

Climate, sanitation and health

Climate change projections indicate changes to the timing, intensity and spatial distribution of weather- and climate-related events. Increasing global and regional temperatures have the potential to increase the frequency, intensity and duration of severe extreme weather events; increase variable and unpredictable precipitation; and increase mean sea-levels.


These changes affect sanitation systems and the infrastructure, water resources, water services, and other social and governance systems on which sanitation depends. Many of the direct and indirect effects on sanitation pose a danger to human health and development.


This work produced a discussion paper linking climate, sanitation and health.


Location: Global

Client: World Health Organization

Researchers: Jeremy Kohlitz,  Juliet Willetts,  Anna Gero,  Freya Mills



Discussion paper on climate, sanitation and health (2019) (Discussion Paper)

Mens group doing mapping

PROJECT | 2018-2021

Climate change response for inclusive WASH

This research project, as part of the DFAT Water for Women Fund, supported civil society organisations to assess climate change impacts to improve the service, gender and social inclusion outcomes of WASH programs.

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